Hi Alexandre,

Thank you for having a look at this KIP, and thank you for pointing this out.

I like the idea of expanding the health status of a log directory beyond
just online/offline status.

This KIP currently proposes a single logdir state transition, from
online to offline, conveyed in a list of logdir UUIDs sent in the new
field `LogDirsOfflined` as part of the broker heartbeat request.

It's nice that the request schema itself doesn't allow for a heartbeat
request to convey a state transition for a logdir from offline to online,
as that transition is not (currently) valid, as brokers need to be
restarted for logdirs to be allowed to come back online.

We could make changes now to accommodate for further logdir states in
the future, by instead conveying new state and logdir pairs in the
heartbeat request, for any logdir which had a state change.
But right now, that would look a bit strange since there's only one
state we'd allow to represented in the request – offline.

Since creating new request versions/schemas is relatively easy now, and
since this logdir QoS feature would merit a KIP anyway, I'm a bit more
inclined to keep things simple for now.



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