Regarding#2 - About the support of minor versions:
Fair enough. We can keep the current policy for latest minor versions until
we can reduce the effort it requires to release a version.

Regarding#1 - About the last major version release:
About backporting security patches to the latest minor version within the
previous major version, I believe that the trade-off of extra maintenance
for last minor version overhead for 24 months is worth it. As a data point,
based on usage of kafka-clients package in maven, majority of users are
still using 2.x Kafka even after

My questions to you (and the community) are:
1. If not 24 months, what is the recommendation on security support for the
last minor version within the previous major/LTS version? IMO, the current
12 months is too less for users to perform a major version upgrade.
2. What needs to happen to support a longer EOL for the major/LTS version?
Some ideas are having folks commit to being release manager in advance of 6
months, open up release management duty to non-committers as well (where
committers can act as release shepherds), increase the number of active
committers in proportion to the amount of committer work required in the
community etc.

Divij Vaidya

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 11:53 PM Ismael Juma <> wrote:

> Clarification below.
> I did not understand your point about maintenance expense to ensure
> > compatibility. I am confused because, IMO, irrespective of our bug fix
> > support duration for minor versions, we should ensure that all prior
> minor
> > versions are compatible. Hence, increasing the support duration to 24
> > months will not add more expense than today to ensure compatibility.
> >
> No, I am not saying that. I am saying that there is no reason not to
> upgrade from one minor release to another since we provide full
> compatibility between minor releases. The expensive part is that we release
> 3 times a year, so you have to support 6 releases at any given point in
> time. More importantly, you have to validate all these releases, handle any
> additional bugs and so on. When it comes to the CVE stuff, you also have to
> deal with cases where a project you depend on forces an upgrade to a
> release with compatibility impact and so on. Having seen this first hand,
> it's a significant amount of work.
> Ismael

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