Hi Ivan,

Thank you for the KIP.

I think the KIP clearly explains the need for out-of-band metadata
authored and used by an implementation of the remote storage manager.
One question I would have is, what is the benefit of adding these
custom metadata in the rlmMetadata rather than letting the plugin
manage access and persistence to them?

Maybe one disadvantage and potential risk with the approach proposed
in the KIP is that the rlmMetadata is not of a predefined, relatively
constant size (although corner cases with thousands of leader epochs
in the leader epoch map are possible). It would be possible for a user
to use custom metadata large enough to adversely impact access to and
caching of the rlmMetadata by Kafka.


Le jeu. 6 avr. 2023 à 16:03, hzh0425 <hzhka...@163.com> a écrit :
> I think it's a good idea as we may want to store remote segments in different 
> buckets
> | |
> hzhka...@163.com
> |
> |
> 邮箱:hzhka...@163.com
> |
> ---- 回复的原邮件 ----
> | 发件人 | Ivan Yurchenko<ivan0yurche...@gmail.com> |
> | 日期 | 2023年04月06日 22:37 |
> | 收件人 | dev@kafka.apache.org<dev@kafka.apache.org> |
> | 抄送至 | |
> | 主题 | [DISCUSS] KIP-917: Additional custom metadata for remote log segment |
> Hello!
> I would like to start the discussion thread on KIP-917: Additional custom
> metadata for remote log segment [1]
> This KIP is fairly small and proposes to add a new field to the remote
> segment metadata.
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Ivan
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-917%3A+Additional+custom+metadata+for+remote+log+segment

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