
I'm struggling a bit with this KIP, because dropping support for rolling 
upgrades from old Kafka versions doesn't seem like something we should do in a 
minor release. But on the other hand, the next Kafka release won't have ZK at 
all. Maybe we should punt on this until and unless there is a security issue 
that requires some action from us.

I would also add, that a major ZK version bump is pretty risky. Last time we 
did this we hit several bugs. I remember we hit one where there was an 
incompatible change with regard to formatting (sorry, I can't seem to find the 
JIRA right now).

Sorry, but for now I have to vote -1 until I can understand this better


On Thu, Feb 23, 2023, at 06:48, Divij Vaidya wrote:
> Thanks for the KIP Christo.
> Having Zk 3.6 reach EOL in Dec 2022 is a good enough reason to upgrade,
> hence I completely agree with the motivation. Your experiments have
> demonstrated that the new version of Zk is stable at scale and the backward
> compatibility risks are acceptable since Apache Kafka 2.4.x is an EOL
> version.
> Vote +1 (non binding)
> --
> Divij Vaidya
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 3:32 PM Christo Lolov <christolo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I would like to start the vote for KIP-902, which upgrades Zookeeper to
>> version 3.8.1.
>> The KIP can be found at
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=240882784
>> The discussion thread is
>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/5jbn2x0rtmqz5scyoygbdbj4vo0mpbw1
>> Thanks
>> Christo

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