To Jason:
1. Related to the Fetch Request fields change, previously you suggested
deprecating the ReplicaId and moving it into a BrokerState field. How about
we just make the BrokerEpoch a tag field?
- The ReplicaId is currently in use and is filled every time. So that we
can keep the way simple.
- We can still make the optional BrokerEpoch out of the request when it is
not needed.
On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 10:39 PM Calvin Liu <> wrote:

> To Jason:
> 1. We can make the BrokerEpoch a tagged field. But I am not sure about
> your proposed metadata structure. In the BrokerState, do we need to store
> the BrokerId again? It would duplicate with ReplicaId.
> 2. Considering that the broker reboot data loss case is rare and Kraft is
> coming soon. Plus we need extra effort to
> - Simply asking the controller to compare the epoch with its best
> knowledge is not enough, because the ZK controller may not know the latest
> broker epoch,
> - The current design only helps with the delayed AlterPartition issue when
> the broker reboots. In ZK mode, we also need to cover the broker reboot +
> controller reboot scenario. If the reboot broker is in ISR already, the
> controller also crashes during the broker reboot, the new controller can be
> completely unaware of the bounced broker and select this broker as the
> leader.
> - Create a test framework to simulate the event sequence of broker reboot
> and registration, delayed AlterPartition request.
> To Jose:
> 1. Thanks for the renaming advice. I will update the KIP later.
> 2. Ack, will update.
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 2:49 PM José Armando García Sancio
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Calvin,
>> Thanks for the improvement.
>> 1. In the KIP, you suggest changing the Fetch request to "Rename the
>> ReplicaId to BrokerId" and "Add a new Field BrokerEpoch". The Fetch
>> RPC is used by replicas that are not brokers, for example controllers
>> in KRaft.
>> Can we keep the name "ReplicaId" and use "ReplicaEpoch". Both KRaft
>> and ISR partitions have the concept of replica id and replica epoch
>> but not necessarily the concept of a broker.
>> 2. Since the new field "BrokerEpoch '' is ignorable, should it also
>> have a default value? How about -1 since that is what you use in
>> AlterPartittion RPC.
>> --
>> -José

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