Hi Calvin,

Thank you for the KIP.  I have a similar question -- we need to support
rolling upgrades (when we have some old brokers and some new brokers), so
there could be combinations of old leader - new follower, new leader - old
follower, new leader - old controller, old leader - new controller.  Could
you elaborate on the behavior during rolls in the Compatibility section?

Also for compatibility it's probably going to be easier to just add a new
array of epochs in addition to the existing array of broker ids, instead of
removing one field and adding another.

The KIP mentions that we would explicitly do something special in ZK mode
in order to not implement new functionality.  I think it may be easier to
implement functionality for both ZK and KRraft mode than adding code to
disable it in ZK mode.


On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 4:58 PM Jun Rao <j...@confluent.io.invalid> wrote:

> Hi, Calvin,
> Thanks for the KIP. Looks good to me overall.
> Since this KIP changes the inter-broker protocol, should we bump up the
> metadata version (the equivalent of IBP) during upgrade?
> Jun
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 10:55 AM Calvin Liu <ca...@confluent.io.invalid>
> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I'd like to discuss the fix for the broker reboot data loss KAFKA-14139
> > <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-14139>.
> > It changes the Fetch and AlterPartition requests to include the broker
> > epochs. Then the controller can use these epochs to help reject the stale
> > AlterPartition request.
> > Please take a look. Thanks!
> >
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-903%3A+Replicas+with+stale+broker+epoch+should+not+be+allowed+to+join+the+ISR
> >

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