Hi Mathieu. I took a look at your KIP and have a couple questions. If the goal is to do the partition assignments at a topic level, wouldn't having single-partition topics solve this problem?
You also mentioned that your goal is to minimize the potential of a poison pill message breaking all members of a group (by keeping track of which topics have 'failed'), but it is not clear how this can be achieved with this assignor. If we imagine an scenario where: * A group has 3 members (A, B, C) * Members are subscribed to 3 topics (T1, T2, T3) * Each member is assigned one topic (A[T1], B[T2], C[T3]) * One member fails to consume from a topic/partition (B[T2]), and goes into failed state How will the group leader know that T2 should not be re-assigned on the next rebalance? Can you elaborate a bit more on the mechanisms used to communicate this state to the other group members? Thanks From: dev@kafka.apache.org At: 10/05/22 03:47:33 UTC-4:00To: dev@kafka.apache.org Subject: [DISCUSS] KIP-874: TopicRoundRobinAssignor Hi Kafka Developers, My proposal is to add a new partition assignment strategy at the topic level to : - have a better data consistency by consumed topic in case of exception - have a solution much thread safe for the consumer In case there are multiple consumers and multiple topics. Here is the link to the KIP with all the explanations : https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/XozGDQ Thank you in advance for your feedbacks, Mathieu