I am favour of discarding the sugar for broadcasting and leave the
broadcasting to the implementation as Chris suggests. I think that is
the cleanest option.
On 29.08.22 19:50, Chris Egerton wrote:
Hi all,
I think it'd be useful to be more explicit about broadcasting to all topic
partitions rather than add implicit behavior for empty cases (empty
optional, empty list, etc.). The suggested enum approach would address that
It's also worth noting that there's no hard requirement to add sugar for
broadcasting to all topic partitions since the API already provides the
number of topic partitions available when calling a stream partitioner. If
we can't find a clean way to add this support, it might be better to leave
it out and just let people implement this themselves with a line of Java 8
return IntStream.range(0,
Also worth noting that there may be a bug in the default implementation for
the new StreamPartitioner::partitions method, since it doesn't appear to
correctly pick up on null return values from the partition method and
translate them into empty lists.
On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 7:32 AM Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Sagar,
I do not see an issue with using an empty list together with an empty
Optional. A non-empty Optional that contains an empty list would just
say that there is no partition to which the record should be sent. If
there is no partition, the record is dropped.
An empty Optional might be a way to say, broadcast to all partitions.
Alternatively -- to make it more explicit -- you could return an object
with an enum and a list of partitions. The enum could have values SOME,
ALL, and NONE. If the value is SOME, the list of partitions contains the
partitions to which to send the record. If the value of the enum is ALL
or NONE, the list of partitions is not used and might be even null
(since in that case the list should not be used and it would be a bug to
use it).
On 24.08.22 20:11, Sagar wrote:
Thank you Bruno/Matthew for your comments.
I agree using null does seem error prone. However I think using a
list of [-1] might be better in terms of usability, I am saying this
because the KIP also has a provision to return an empty list to refer to
dropping the record. So, an empty optional and an empty list have totally
different meanings which could get confusing.
Let me know what you think.
On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 7:30 PM Matthew Benedict de Detrich
<matthew.dedetr...@aiven.io.invalid> wrote:
I also concur with this, having an Optional in the type makes it very
clear what’s going on and better signifies an absence of value (or in
case the broadcast value).
Matthew de Detrich
Aiven Deutschland GmbH
Immanuelkirchstraße 26, 10405 Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 209739 B
Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa & Hannu Valtonen
m: +491603708037
w: aiven.io e: matthew.dedetr...@aiven.io
On 24. Aug 2022, 14:19 +0200, dev@kafka.apache.org, wrote:
I would prefer changing the return type of partitions() to
Optional<List<Integer>> and using Optional.empty() as the broadcast
value. IMO, The chances that an implementation returns null due to a
is much higher than that an implementation returns an empty Optional
to a bug.