Hi Justine,

Thanks for sharing your feedback! Here are some thoughts inlined below:

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 11:33 AM Justine Olshan <jols...@confluent.io.invalid>

> Hi David,
> Thanks for sharing this KIP! Really exciting to hear how we are changing
> the protocol! The motivation section really made me realize how useful this
> change will be.
> I've done a first pass of the KIP, and may have more questions, but thought
> I'd start with a few I thought of already.
>    - I saw some usages of topic IDs in the new
>    protocols/records/interfaces, but wasn't sure if they were used
> everywhere.
>    Are you planning on relying on topic IDs for the new protocol?

Yes we do plan to use topic IDs in the newly introduced RPC protocols (e.g.
the new heartbeat req/resp), while keep the status quo for the existing
protocols (e.g. the offset fetch / commit req/resp) that already encoded
with topic names.

>    - I saw the section about using a feature flag first before integrating
>    the feature with ibp/metadata version. I understand the logic for
> testing
>    with the flag, but it also seems like a bit of work to deprecate and
> switch
>    to the ibp/metadata version approach. What was the reasoning behind
>    switching the enablement mechanism?

The main rationale is on the clients side, since such a behavioral change
cannot be captured only by the apikey-version itself as the clients needs
to behave differently with the new protocol even before they talk to the
group coordinator.

>    - Generally, are there implications for KRaft here? (IBP/metadata
>    version is something that I think of) And if so, will both cluster
> types be
>    supported?

Besides IBP / metadata, the only think I could think of is the group state
machine snapshotting we may want to consider in the future with KRaft's
extended snapshot capabilities (i.e. KIP-630).

> Thanks again to everyone who worked on this KIP!
> Justine
> On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 1:45 AM David Jacot <dja...@confluent.io.invalid>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP-848: The Next
> > Generation of the Consumer Rebalance Protocol. With this KIP, we aim
> > to make the rebalance protocol (for consumers) more reliable, more
> > scalable, easier to implement for clients, and easier to debug for
> > operators.
> >
> > The KIP is here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/HhD1D.
> >
> > Please take a look and let me know what you think.
> >
> > Best,
> > David
> >
> > PS: I will be away from July 18th to August 8th. That gives you a bit
> > of time to read and digest this long KIP.
> >

-- Guozhang

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