Hi Divij,

On Thu, Jun 16, 2022 at 1:37 AM Divij Vaidya <divijvaidy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Question#1*: Do we only track the KIPs over here that are blockers for
> release or do we track the non-KIP JIRA tickets as well?

This page documents the KIPs and Jira issues I am tracking for the
3.3.0 release.

> If we don't track the JIRA tickets, please ignore the following, but if we
> do, I would like to propose that we fix/merge the following before release:
> 1. https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/12228 -> Fixes multiple memory
> leaks.
> 2. https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/12184 -> Fixes an edge case where a
> specific configuration for quota values could lead to errors.

This is the Jira query I am using to track issues that need to be
fixed by 3.3.0:

If you think those PRs need to be reviewed and merged before feature
freeze or code freeze please feel free to add 3.3.0 to the fixVersion
of the Jira. I don't have time to review those PRs this week but I'll
try to take a look next week.

> *Question#2*: As a non-committer, is there anything that I could help with
> for the release process?

Thanks for volunteering to help. I would suggest looking at the issues
in the search above and work on any issue that interests you and it is
not already assigned.

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