Jose Armando Garcia Sancio created KAFKA-13959:
             Summary: Controller should unfence Broker with busy metadata log
                 Key: KAFKA-13959
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: kraft
    Affects Versions: 3.3.0
            Reporter: Jose Armando Garcia Sancio showed that it is possible 
for the controller to not unfence a broker if the committed offset keeps 


One solution to this problem is to require the broker to only catch up to the 
last committed offset when they last sent the heartbeat. For example:
 # Broker sends a heartbeat with current offset of {{{}Y{}}}. The last commit 
offset is {{{}X{}}}. The controller remember this last commit offset, call it 
 # Broker sends another heartbeat with current offset of {{{}Z{}}}. Unfence the 
broker if {{Z >= X}} or {{{}Z >= X'{}}}.

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