So Ideally the LastCatchUpTimeMs is supposed to be a proxy for lag. We could 
report this field as lag, but I am personally not in favor of doing that as the 
LastCaughtUpTimeMs is just an approximation of lag, but not actual lag. 

I guess it depends on the experience we want through the tool. Do we want to 
isolate the user from internal details and report a “lag” which we can change 
the definition of, or just report the actual metric for the user of the tool to 
decide for themselves how to interpret that info.

Do you have a strong opinion here?

- Niket

> On May 20, 2022, at 11:29 AM, José Armando García Sancio 
> <> wrote:
> Thanks for the changes to KIP-836 Niket.
> KIP-836 has the following output for "--describe replication":
>> bin/ --describe replication
> ReplicaId   LogEndOffset    Lag     LastFetchTimeMs
> LastCaughtUpTimeMs    Status
> 0           234134          0           tnow                tnow
>       Leader
> 1           234130          4           t2                  t6
>       Follower
> 2           234100          34          t3                  t7
>       Follower
> 3           234124          10          t4                  t8
>       Observer
> 4           234130          4           t5                  t9
>       Observer
> KIP-595 has the following output for "--descripbe replication":
>> bin/ --describe replication
> ReplicaId   LogEndOffset    Lag     LagTimeMs   Status
> 0           234134          0       0           Leader
> 1           234130          4       10          Follower
> 2           234100          34      15          Follower
> 3           234124          10      12          Observer
> 4           234130          4       15          Observer
> Should we update KIP-836 to also include "LagTimeMs" in the output?

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