Hello, Kafka team.

When running in production the common user question is «How big lag between 
producer and consumer?».
We have a `kafka-consumer-groups.sh` tool and 
`AdminClient#getListConsumerGroupOffsetsCall` to answer the question.

Even detailed guides on how to calculate *consumer lag* with built-in Kafka 
tools, exists. [1]

Obviously, approach with tool or AdminClient requires additional coding and 
setup which can be inconvenient.

I think Kafka should provide per partition consumer offset metric.
It will simplify running Kafka deployment and monitoring in production.

Looked in `GroupMetadataManager.scala` and think it possible to add those 

What do you think?
Do we need this metrics on Kafka broker?

[1] https://www.baeldung.com/java-kafka-consumer-lag

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