Hi Patrick,

Thank you for the KIP!
- Maybe some more details in the motivation would help to better 
understand the background of the KIP. Currently, it is hard to judge 
whether record metadata should be exposed or not. Can you maybe give an 
- Could you please replace RYW abbreviation with read-your-writes (at 
least that is my guess about the meaning of RYW)?

On 03.11.21 22:43, Guozhang Wang wrote:
Thanks Patrick,

I looked at the KIP and it looks good to me overall. I think we need to
double check whether the record metadata reflect the "last processed
record" or the "currently processed record" where the latter may not have
been completely processed. In `ProcessorContext#recordMetadata` it returns
the latter, but that may not be the preferred case if you want to build the
consistency reasoning on top of.

Otherwise, LGTM.


On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 1:44 PM Patrick Stuedi <pstu...@confluent.io.invalid>

Hi everyone,

I would like to start the discussion for KIP-791: Add Record Metadata to
State Store Context.

The KIP can be found here:


Any feedback will be highly appreciated.

Many thanks,

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