Hi Kafka dev,

I hope to initiate the discussion of KIP-781: Allow MirrorMaker 2 to
override the client configurations.


I found this problem while testing the MirrorMaker 2 deployments; in short,
the configurations like `us-east.producer.acks = all` are not working now.
It seems like to make it working like the documentation, a configuration
overriding policy is needed.

All kinds of feedbacks are greatly appreciated!


*Dongjin Lee*

*A hitchhiker in the mathematical world.*

*github:  <http://goog_969573159/>github.com/dongjinleekr
<https://github.com/dongjinleekr>keybase: https://keybase.io/dongjinleekr
<https://keybase.io/dongjinleekr>linkedin: kr.linkedin.com/in/dongjinleekr
<https://kr.linkedin.com/in/dongjinleekr>speakerdeck: speakerdeck.com/dongjin

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