
HaiyuanZhao resolved KAFKA-12615.
    Resolution: Fixed

> Correct comments for the method Selector.clear
> ----------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-12615
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-12615
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: clients
>            Reporter: HaiyuanZhao
>            Assignee: HaiyuanZhao
>            Priority: Minor
>  According to my understanding, the second clearCompletedSends which is 
> highlighted as followed should be clearCompletedReceives
> /**
>  * Clears all the results from the previous poll. This is invoked by Selector 
> at the start of
>  * a poll() when all the results from the previous poll are expected to have 
> been handled.
>  * <p>
>  * SocketServer uses clearCompletedSends() and *clearCompletedSends*() to
>  * clear `completedSends` and `completedReceives` as soon as they are 
> processed to avoid
>  * holding onto large request/response buffers from multiple connections 
> longer than necessary.
>  * Clients rely on Selector invoking {@link #clear()} at the start of each 
> poll() since memory usage
>  * is less critical and clearing once-per-poll provides the flexibility to 
> process these results in
>  * any order before the next poll.
>  */

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