Hi, Kafka.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about the KIP?
If there seems to be no, I would like to start a VOTE later.


2021年7月22日(木) 16:17 Haruki Okada <ocadar...@gmail.com>:

> Hi, Kafka.
> I proposed KIP-764, which tries to add new KafkaConfig to adjust
> Acceptor's backlog size.
> As described in the KIP and the ticket KAFKA-9648, currently backlog size
> is fixed value (50) and it may not be enough to handle incoming connections
> from massive clients.
> So we would like to make it configurable.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-764%3A+Configurable+backlog+size+for+creating+Acceptor
> --
> ========================
> Okada Haruki
> ocadar...@gmail.com
> ========================

Okada Haruki

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