Team, If we have support from committers for API to check records on the broker 
side let’s choose one KIP to go with and move forward to vote and 
I’m ready to drive implementation of this API.

I’m ready to drive the implementation of this API.
It seems very useful to me. 

> 30 июня 2021 г., в 18:04, Nikolay Izhikov <> написал(а):
> Hello.
> I had a very similar proposal [1].
> So, yes, I think we should have one implementation of API in the product.
> [1] 
>> 30 июня 2021 г., в 17:57, Christopher Shannon 
>> <> написал(а):
>> I would find this feature very useful as well as adding custom validation
>> to incoming records would be nice to prevent bad data from making it to the
>> topic.
>> On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 7:03 PM Soumyajit Sahu <>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Colin! Good call on the ApiRecordError. We could use
>>> InvalidRecordException instead, and have the broker convert it
>>> to ApiRecordError.
>>> Modified signature below.
>>> interface BrokerRecordValidator {
>>>  /**
>>>   * Validate the record for a given topic-partition.
>>>   */
>>>   Optional<InvalidRecordException> validateRecord(TopicPartition
>>> topicPartition, ByteBuffer key, ByteBuffer value, Header[] headers);
>>> }
>>> On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 5:09 PM Colin McCabe <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Soumyajit,
>>>> The difficult thing is deciding which fields to share and how to share
>>>> them.  Key and value are probably the minimum we need to make this
>>> useful.
>>>> If we do choose to go with byte buffer, it is not necessary to also pass
>>>> the size, since ByteBuffer maintains that internally.
>>>> ApiRecordError is also an internal class, so it can't be used in a public
>>>> API.  I think most likely if we were going to do this, we would just
>>> catch
>>>> an exception and use the exception text as the validation error.
>>>> best,
>>>> Colin
>>>> On Tue, Apr 6, 2021, at 15:57, Soumyajit Sahu wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tom,
>>>>> Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. I get what Colin had meant
>>>> earlier.
>>>>> Would a different signature for the interface work? Example below, but
>>>>> please feel free to suggest alternatives if there are any possibilities
>>>> of
>>>>> such.
>>>>> If needed, then deprecating this and introducing a new signature would
>>> be
>>>>> straight-forward as both (old and new) calls could be made serially in
>>>> the
>>>>> LogValidator allowing a coexistence for a transition period.
>>>>> interface BrokerRecordValidator {
>>>>>   /**
>>>>>    * Validate the record for a given topic-partition.
>>>>>    */
>>>>>   Optional<ApiRecordError> validateRecord(TopicPartition
>>>> topicPartition,
>>>>> int keySize, ByteBuffer key, int valueSize, ByteBuffer value, Header[]
>>>>> headers);
>>>>> }
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 12:54 AM Tom Bentley <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Soumyajit,
>>>>>> Although that class does indeed have public access at the Java level,
>>>> it
>>>>>> does so only because it needs to be used by internal Kafka code which
>>>> lives
>>>>>> in other packages (there isn't any more restrictive access modifier
>>>> which
>>>>>> would work). What the project considers public Java API is determined
>>>> by
>>>>>> what's included in the published Javadocs:
>>>>>>, which doesn't
>>> include
>>>> the
>>>>>> org.apache.kafka.common.record package.
>>>>>> One of the problems with making these internal classes public is it
>>>> ties
>>>>>> the project into supporting them as APIs, which can make changing
>>> them
>>>> much
>>>>>> harder and in the long run that can slow, or even prevent, innovation
>>>> in
>>>>>> the rest of Kafka.
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 7:31 PM Soumyajit Sahu <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Colin,
>>>>>>> I see that both the interface "Record" and the implementation
>>>>>>> "DefaultRecord" being used in are public
>>>>>>> interfaces/classes.
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> So, it should be ok to use them. Let me know what you think.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Soumyajit
>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 8:51 AM Colin McCabe <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Soumyajit,
>>>>>>>> I believe we've had discussions about proposals similar to this
>>>> before,
>>>>>>>> although I'm having trouble finding one right now.  The issue
>>> here
>>>> is
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> Record is a private class -- it is not part of any public API,
>>> and
>>>> may
>>>>>>>> change at any time.  So we can't expose it in public APIs.
>>>>>>>> best,
>>>>>>>> Colin
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 1, 2021, at 14:18, Soumyajit Sahu wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello All,
>>>>>>>>> I would like to start a discussion on the KIP-729.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>> Soumyajit

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