> what I think should be a small discussion

Dangerous words :P

I'm all for the proposal but I do have one question about something in the
KIP. You list two methods called
defaultKeySerde() and defaultValueSerde() but it's not clear to me where
these are coming from. Are they
new APIs you propose to add in this KIP? Are they existing methods in the
public API which will now return
null, whereas they used to return the ByteArraySerde? If they're not a
public API then you can remove them
from the KIP, otherwise can you just update this section to clarify what
class/file these belong to, etc?


On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 5:34 AM Leah Thomas <ltho...@confluent.io.invalid>

> Hi all,
> I'd like to kick-off what I think should be a small discussion for KIP-741:
> Change default serde to be null.
> The wiki is here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-741%3A+Change+default+serde+to+be+null
> Thanks,
> Leah

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