Guozhang Wang commented on KAFKA-1475:

I see. This seems to me a ZkClient issue, such that it did not give all the 
events in the event queue and back to the caller. We have some similar findings 
before (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1387). Do you see this 
issue often?

> Kafka consumer stops LeaderFinder/FetcherThreads, but application does not 
> know
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-1475
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1475
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: clients, consumer
>    Affects Versions: 0.8.0
>         Environment: linux, rhel 6.4
>            Reporter: Hang Qi
>            Assignee: Neha Narkhede
>              Labels: consumer
>         Attachments: 5055aeee-zk.txt
> We encounter an issue of consumers not consuming messages in production. ( 
> this consumer has its own consumer group, and just consumes one topic of 3 
> partitions.)
> Based on the logs, we have following findings:
> 1. Zookeeper session expires, kafka highlevel consumer detected this event, 
> and released old broker parition ownership and re-register consumer.
> 2. Upon creating ephemeral path in Zookeeper, it found that the path still 
> exists, and try to read the content of the node.
> 3. After read back the content, it founds the content is same as that it is 
> going to write, so it logged as "[ZkClient-EventThread-428-ZK/kafka] 
> (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$) - 
> /consumers/consumerA/ids/consumerA-1400815740329-5055aeee exists with value { 
> "pattern":"static", "subscription":{ "TOPIC": 1}, 
> "timestamp":"1400846114845", "version":1 } during connection loss; this is 
> ok", and doing nothing.
> 4. After that, it throws exception indicated that the cause is 
> "org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode = 
> NoNode for /consumers/consumerA/ids/consumerA-1400815740329-5055aeee" during 
> rebalance. 
> 5. After all retries failed, it gave up retry and left the 
> LeaderFinderThread, FetcherThread stopped. 
> Step 3 looks very weird, checking the code, there is timestamp contains in 
> the stored data, it may be caused by Zookeeper issue.
> But what I am wondering is that whether it is possible to let application 
> (kafka client users) to know that the underline LeaderFinderThread and 
> FetcherThread are stopped, like allowing application to register some 
> callback or throws some exception (by invalidate the KafkaStream iterator for 
> example)? For me, it is not reasonable for the kafka client to shutdown 
> everything and wait for next rebalance, and let application wait on 
> iterator.hasNext() without knowing that there is something wrong underline.
> I've read about twiki about kafka 0.9 consumer rewrite, and there is a 
> ConsumerRebalanceCallback interface, but I am not sure how long it will take 
> to be ready, and how long it will take for us to migrate. 
> Please help to look at this issue.  Thanks very much!

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