GeoffreyStark created KAFKA-12665:

             Summary: one of brokers which is also controller has too much 
                 Key: KAFKA-12665
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: clients, consumer, controller, core
    Affects Versions:
            Reporter: GeoffreyStark
         Attachments: image-2021-04-14-10-32-54-140.png, 
image-2021-04-14-10-39-02-996.png, image-2021-04-14-11-26-03-346.png

# *enviroment*


5 nodes

3 replicator

mean message per sec : 4k

Prometheus & jmxProt & grafana

cosumer : spring boot& Doris routineLoad

producer: spring boo& Log 


# *encounter with*

 we encounter with a broker (id : 4)which is also controller (epoch 90)having 
much CLOSE_WAITE  at a time 


Controller 4 epoch 90 fails to send request (type: UpdateMetadataRequest ... Connection to 4 was disconnected before the response was 


It will be retried many, many times, but the WARNING will not change


At the same time

another broker 6  fetching message from the broker 4 also encounter with the 
[2021-04-13 16:35:06,942] WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-4]: Error in fetch to 
broker 4, request (type=FetchRequest, replicaId=6, maxWait=500, minBytes=1, 
maxBytes=10485760, Connection to 4 was disconnected before the response was 


doris routineLoad(consume from kafka) time out

2021-04-13 16:35:11,397 WARN (Routine load scheduler|42) 
[KafkaUtil.getAllKafkaPartitions():91] failed to get partitions. 
org.apache.doris.common.UserException: errCode = 2, detailMessage = failed to 
get kafka partition info: [failed to get partition meta: Local: Timed out]


broker 4( controller 90) fs.file


Most of the CLOSE_WAITE is generated by the consumer application

At 16:49, the broker was restarted and returned to normal



*# speculation*

The TCP connection is closed passively, but the processing of the Controller 
Broker machine is not responding

Are there any bugs in this version?




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