See <>
Changes: [github] KAFKA-12508: Disable KIP-557 (#10397) ------------------------------------------ [...truncated 3.68 MB...] ControllerEventManagerTest > testSuccessfulEvent() PASSED ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() STARTED ControllerEventManagerTest > testMetricsCleanedOnClose() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithAlreadyDefinedDeletedPartition() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestIsNew() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicQueuedForDeletion() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSentToLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaSentOnlyToLiveAndShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaGroupsByBroker() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataDoesNotIncludePartitionsWithoutLeaderAndIsr() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testMixedDeleteAndNotDeleteStopReplicaRequests() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrInterBrokerProtocolVersion() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestSent() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataRequestDuringTopicDeletion() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testUpdateMetadataIncludesLiveOrShuttingDownBrokers() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestSent() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestsWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testLeaderAndIsrRequestSent() PASSED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() STARTED ControllerChannelManagerTest > testStopReplicaRequestWithoutDeletePartitionWhileTopicDeletionStarted() PASSED FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() STARTED FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidFeatures() PASSED FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() STARTED FeatureZNodeTest > testEncodeDecode() PASSED FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() STARTED FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeSuccess() PASSED FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() STARTED FeatureZNodeTest > testDecodeFailOnInvalidVersionAndStatus() PASSED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() STARTED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPaths() PASSED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() STARTED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldRoundTripChangeNode() PASSED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() STARTED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowFromEncodeOnLiteral() PASSED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() STARTED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldThrowIfConstructedWithLiteral() PASSED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() STARTED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldWriteChangesToTheWritePath() PASSED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() STARTED ExtendedAclStoreTest > shouldHaveCorrectPatternType() PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@544ad5e3, value = [B@339cb25c), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [1] name=print nothing, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@544ad5e3, value = [B@339cb25c), properties=Map(print.value -> false), expected= PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e3d888c, value = [B@298800a5), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [2] name=print key, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3e3d888c, value = [B@298800a5), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> false), expected=someKey PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7c9ae29, value = [B@1fe77e34), properties=Map(), expected=someValue STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [3] name=print value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7c9ae29, value = [B@1fe77e34), properties=Map(), expected=someValue PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@17ed57f5, value = [B@11f5d577), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [4] name=print empty timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, NoTimestampType = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@17ed57f5, value = [B@11f5d577), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_TIMESTAMP PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5b879986, value = [B@7f355a1c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234 STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [5] name=print log append time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, LogAppendTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5b879986, value = [B@7f355a1c), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=LogAppendTime:1234 PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@21ae8f0, value = [B@3d7bcba9), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234 STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [6] name=print create time timestamp, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@21ae8f0, value = [B@3d7bcba9), properties=Map(print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> false), expected=CreateTime:1234 PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a573e29, value = [B@fe77ac5), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9 STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [7] name=print partition, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a573e29, value = [B@fe77ac5), properties=Map(print.partition -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Partition:9 PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5aef5ea1, value = [B@39aae0d6), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876 STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [8] name=print offset, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5aef5ea1, value = [B@39aae0d6), properties=Map(print.offset -> true, print.value -> false), expected=Offset:9876 PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a6f27bc, value = [B@6eea5f66), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2 STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [9] name=print headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5a6f27bc, value = [B@6eea5f66), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=h1:v1,h2:v2 PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7122cfc7, value = [B@465fe018), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [10] name=print empty headers, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@7122cfc7, value = [B@465fe018), properties=Map(print.headers -> true, print.value -> false), expected=NO_HEADERS PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e77fa08, value = [B@11566bae), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234 Partition:9 Offset:9876 h1:v1,h2:v2 someKey someValue STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [11] name=print all possible fields with default delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5e77fa08, value = [B@11566bae), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234 Partition:9 Offset:9876 h1:v1,h2:v2 someKey someValue PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@76edc2b4, value = [B@4f0ba351), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [12] name=print all possible fields with custom delimiters, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@76edc2b4, value = [B@4f0ba351), properties=Map(line.separator -> ^, print.key -> true, headers.separator -> #, print.headers -> true, key.separator -> |, print.partition -> true, print.offset -> true, print.timestamp -> true, print.value -> true), expected=CreateTime:1234|Partition:9|Offset:9876|h1:v1#h2:v2|someKey|someValue^ PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2ecdb702, value = [B@c64a26e), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2 SOMEKEY someValue STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [13] name=print key with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2ecdb702, value = [B@c64a26e), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, key.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2 SOMEKEY someValue PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4531c3ab, value = [B@6cef6eb1), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2 someKey SOMEVALUE STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [14] name=print value with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4531c3ab, value = [B@6cef6eb1), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, value.deserializer ->, expected=h1:v1,h2:v2 someKey SOMEVALUE PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5997b791, value = [B@6720440c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2 someKey someValue STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [15] name=print headers with custom deserializer, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@5997b791, value = [B@6720440c), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.headers -> true, print.value -> true, headers.deserializer ->, expected=h1:V1,h2:V2 someKey someValue PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2cc7efd8, value = [B@3bca9617), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey someValue STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [16] name=print key and value, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@2cc7efd8, value = [B@3bca9617), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true), expected=someKey someValue PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3587cc3d, value = [B@a8890ff), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9 someKey someValue STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [17] name=print fields in the beginning, middle and the end, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@3587cc3d, value = [B@a8890ff), properties=Map(print.key -> true, print.value -> true, print.partition -> true), expected=Partition:9 someKey someValue PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@72e7a52e, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey null STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [18] name=null value without custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@72e7a52e, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true), expected=someKey null PASSED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4fd0d3a3, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey NULL STARTED DefaultMessageFormatterTest > [19] name=null value with custom null literal, record=ConsumerRecord(topic = someTopic, partition = 9, leaderEpoch = null, offset = 9876, CreateTime = 1234, serialized key size = 0, serialized value size = 0, headers = RecordHeaders(headers = [RecordHeader(key = h1, value = [118, 49]), RecordHeader(key = h2, value = [118, 50])], isReadOnly = false), key = [B@4fd0d3a3, value = null), properties=Map(print.key -> true, null.literal -> NULL), expected=someKey NULL PASSED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':connect:runtime:test'. > There were failing tests. See the report at: > file://<> * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. * Get more help at Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0. Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings. See BUILD FAILED in 1h 24m 50s 257 actionable tasks: 220 executed, 37 up-to-date Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Recording test results [Checks API] No suitable checks publisher found. Not sending mail to unregistered user