Hi Everyone,

It seems people don't have anything to add on the discussion, so I'd like
to propose a vote now. In any case if you still have something to add,
please feel free to write either on this thread or on the discussion.
A summary of the KIP:
I plan to add a simple interface called Auditor which has a method with two
parameters. The first one is a request specific parameter and the second
one is the request context. This can be used to implement any auditing
logic that can connect to external systems. The interface is wired into
KafkaApis and called right before sending the response back. I implemented
for some of the most used APIs that have user side relevance (like acls,
admin apis). A more complete list can be found in the KIP.

Link to the KIP:

The interface I plan to add:

public interface Auditor extends Configurable, AutoCloseable {

    void audit(AuditEvent event, AuthorizableRequestContext requestContext);

I'm happy to receive any feedback on this (preferably +1 votes :) ).


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