Thanks Levani for the explanation. I think I understand.

Is "rack" still a useful term in this context? I think my concept of "rack"
made it hard for me to wrap my head around the multiple tags approach. For
example, how can a node be in different racks at the same time? And why
would multiple dimensions be needed to describe a rack? I see from your
example that this is not the intention, but the terminology made me think
it was.
Could just be me.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2021, 6:18 AM Levani Kokhreidze <>

> Hello Ryanne,
> Thanks for the question.
> Tag approach gives more flexibility, which otherwise could have been only
> possible with pluggable custom logic Kafka Streams's user must provide (it
> is briefly described in "Rejected Alternatives" section).
> For instance, if we append multiple tags to form a single rack, it may not
> give desired distribution to the user if the infrastructure topology is
> more complex.
> Let us consider the following example with appending multiple tags to form
> the single rack.
> Node-1:
> K8s_Cluster1-eu-central-1a
> num.standby.replicas: 1
> Node-2:
> K8s_Cluster1-eu-central-1b
> num.standby.replicas: 1
> Node-3:
> K8s_Cluster1-eu-central-1c
> num.standby.replicas: 1
> Node-4:
> K8s_Cluster2-eu-central-1a
> num.standby.replicas: 1
> Node-5:
> K8s_Cluster2-eu-central-1b
> num.standby.replicas: 1
> Node-6:
> K8s_Cluster2-eu-central-1c
> num.standby.replicas: 1
> In the example mentioned above, we have three AZs and two Kubernetes
> clusters. Our use-case is to distribute standby task in the different
> Kubernetes cluster and different availability zone.
> For instance, if the active task is in Node1 (K8s_Cluster1-eu-central-1a),
> the corresponding standby task should be in either
> Node-5(K8s_Cluster2-eu-central-1b) or Node-6(K8s_Cluster2-eu-central-1c).
> Unfortunately, without custom logic provided by the user, this would be
> very hard to achieve with a single "" configuration. Because
> without any input from the user, Kafka Streams might as well allocate
> standby task for the active task either:
> In the same Kubernetes cluster and different AZ (Node-2, Node-3)
> In the different Kubernetes cluster but the same AZ (Node-4)
> On the other hand, with the combination of the new "client.tag.*" and
> "task.assignment.rack.awareness" configurations, standby task distribution
> algorithm will be able to figure out what will be the most optimal
> distribution by balancing the standby tasks over each client.tag dimension
> individually. And it can be achieved by simply providing necessary
> configurations to Kafka Streams.
> The flow was described in more details in previous versions of the KIP,
> but I've omitted the KIP algorithm implementation details based on received
> feedback. But I acknowledge that this information can be put in the KIP for
> better clarity. I took the liberty of updating the KIP with the example
> mentioned above [1].
> I hope this answeres your question.
> Regards,
> Levani
> [1] -
> > On 28. Feb 2021, at 01:37, Ryanne Dolan <> wrote:
> >
> > I guess I don't understand how multiple tags work together to achieve
> rack
> > awareness. I realize I could go look at how Elasticseach works, but
> ideally
> > this would be more plain in the KIP.
> >
> > In particular I'm not sure how the tag approach is different than
> appending
> > multiple tags together, e.g. how is cluster=foo, zone=bar different than
> > rack=foo-bar?
> >
> > Ryanne
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 27, 2021, 5:00 PM Levani Kokhreidze <
> <>>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Bruno,
> >>
> >> Thanks for the feedback. I think it makes sense.
> >> I’ve updated the KIP [1] and tried to omit implementation details around
> >> the algorithm.
> >>
> >> Please let me know if the latest version looks OK.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Levani
> >>
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >>
> >>> On 25. Feb 2021, at 17:59, Bruno Cadonna <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Levani,
> >>>
> >>> I discussed your KIP with John the other day and we both think it is a
> >> really interesting KIP and you did a good job in writing it. However, we
> >> think that the KIP exposes to many implementation details. That makes
> >> future changes to the implementation of the distribution algorithm
> harder
> >> without a KIP. So, we would like to propose to just describe the config
> and
> >> the properties that any implementation of the distribution algorithm
> should
> >> have. We did something similar in KIP-441 for the task assignment
> algorithm
> >> [1].
> >>>
> >>> Specifically, for your KIP, any possible implementation of the
> >> distribution algorithm should read the tags to be considered for rack
> >> awareness from the config and if the cluster allows to distribute each
> >> active task and its replicas to Streams clients with different values
> for
> >> each tag, the algorithm will do so. How the implementation behaves, if a
> >> cluster does not allow to distribute over all tag values can be left as
> an
> >> implementation detail. This would give us flexibility for future
> changes to
> >> the distribution algorithm.
> >>>
> >>> Since there may be distribution algorithms that do not use the order of
> >> the tags, it would be better to not mention the order of the tags in the
> >> config doc. I would propose to omit the config doc from the KIP or
> >> formulate it really generic.
> >>>
> >>> We would also like to rename standby.replicas.awareness to
> >> task.assignment.rack.awareness or something that does not contain
> standby
> >> and/or replica (sorry for requesting again to change this name). That
> way,
> >> we might be able to use this config also when we decide to make the
> active
> >> task assignment rack aware.
> >>>
> >>> I hope all of this makes sense to you.
> >>>
> >>> Thank you again for the interesting KIP!
> >>>
> >>> Looking forward to your implementation!
> >>>
> >>> Best,
> >>> Bruno
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> [1]
> >>
> >> <
> >>
> <
> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 22.02.21 17:42, Levani Kokhreidze wrote:
> >>>> Hi Bruno,
> >>>> Thanks for the quick reply
> >>>> 5.Sorry, maybe I am not making it clear.
> >>>> What you have described is how it should work, yes. As it is stated in
> >> KIP, with the importance semantics in standby.replicas.awareness,
> >>>> if we have an active task on Node-1 and the first standby task on
> >> Node-5, the third standby should be on Node-3 or Node-6 (both of them
> are
> >> in the different AZ compared to the active and the first standby task).
> >>>> That flow is described in Partially Preferred Distribution section
> [1].
> >>>> Node-4 could have been a valid option IF standby.replicas.awareness
> >> didn’t have the importance semantics because Kafka Streams could have
> just
> >> picked Node-4 in that case.
> >>>> 7. Yup, will do.
> >>>> 8. Good question, So far assumption I had was that the configuration
> >> between different Kafka Streams instances is the same. Can we have an
> extra
> >> validation check to make sure that is the case?
> >>>> If not, what you have mentioned in point 5 always preferring the
> >> dimension where there’re enough KS instances is very valid.
> >>>> On the other hand, I thought allowing to specify the importance of the
> >> various dimensions may give users extra flexibility over standby task
> >> allocation.
> >>>> [1]
> >>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>> Levani
> >>>>> On 22. Feb 2021, at 16:51, Bruno Cadonna <> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hi Levani,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks for the modifications!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I have some follow up questions/comments:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 5. Something is not clear to me. If the active is on Node-1 and the
> >> first replica is on Node-5 (different cluster, different zone), why
> would
> >> the second replica go to Node-4 that has a different cluster than but
> the
> >> same zone as the active instead of Node-6 which has a different zone of
> >> Node-1? In general wouldn't it be better to guarantee under Partially
> >> Preferred task distribution to distribute active and standby replicas of
> >> the same task over the dimension that has at least as many values as the
> >> number of replicas + 1 and then over the dimensions that have less
> values?
> >> That would then also be independent on the ordering of the tags.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 7. I agree with you. Could you add a sentence or two about this to
> the
> >> KIP?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> New question:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 8. How would the assignor react on different numbers and different
> >> orderings of the tags in standby.replicas.awareness across Streams
> clients?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Best,
> >>>>> Bruno
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 22.02.21 11:46, Levani Kokhreidze wrote:
> >>>>>> Hi Bruno,
> >>>>>> Thanks for the feedback. Please check my answers below:
> >>>>>> 1. No objections; sounds good. Updated KIP
> >>>>>> 2. No objections; sounds good. Updated KIP
> >>>>>> 3. Thanks for the information; I can change KIP only to expose
> prefix
> >> method instead of a constant if it’s the way forward.
> >>>>>> 4. Done. Updated KIP
> >>>>>> 5. Yes, order in standby.replicas.awareness config counts as stated
> >>>>>> Actually, it plays a role in Partially Preferred distribution. In
> the
> >> example presented in the KIP, while one of the standby tasks can be
> placed
> >> in a different cluster and different zone compared to the active task,
> we
> >> have to choose either the same cluster or the same zone for the second
> >> standby task. In the first example presented in the KIP, while Node-5
> is in
> >> the other cluster and other zone compared to the active task, the second
> >> standby task's preferred options are in different zones than Node-1 and
> >> Node-5, but in the same cluster as active task or the first standby
> task.
> >> Without importance semantics in standby.replicas.awareness, putting
> second
> >> standby task in Node-4 (different cluster, same zone as active task)
> would
> >> have been a valid option.
> >>>>>> I’ve updated KIP to clarify this a bit more, I hope this helps.
> >>>>>> 6. Thanks for pointing that out, it was a mistake. I’ve removed that
> >> phrase from the KIP.
> >>>>>> 7. It shouldn’t affect HighAvailabilityTaskAssignor in a “breaking
> >> way” meaning that all the existing behavior should stay as is (e.g.,
> when
> >> new configurations are not specified). Once required configurations are
> >> set, the main change should happen in
> >> HighAvailabilityTaskAssignor#assignStandbyReplicaTasks and
> >> HighAvailabilityTaskAssignor#assignStandbyTaskMovements
> >>>>>> I hope this answers your questions.
> >>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>> Levani
> >>>>>>> On 18. Feb 2021, at 15:10, Bruno Cadonna <>
> wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hi Levani,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Thank you for the KIP.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Really interesting!
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Here my comments:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 1. To be consistent with the other configs that involve standbys ,
> I
> >> would rename
> >>>>>>> standby.task.assignment.awareness -> standby.replicas.awareness
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 2. I would also rename the prefix
> >>>>>>> instance.tag -> client.tag
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 3. The following is a question about prefixes in general that maybe
> >> somebody else can answer. In the config it says for other prefixes that
> it
> >> is recommended to use the method *Prefix(final String prop) instead of
> the
> >> raw prefix string.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Is the plan to make the raw prefix string private in a future
> >> release?
> >>>>>>> Should we consider making only the prefix method for this KIP
> public?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 4. Could you provide a mathematical formula instead of Java code
> for
> >> absolute preferred standby task distribution and the other distributtion
> >> properties? Could you also add an example for absolute preffered
> >> distribution for the computation of the formula similar to what you did
> for
> >> the other properties?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 5. Does the order of the tags given for
> >> standby.task.assignment.awareness count? You mention it once, but then
> for
> >> the Partially Preferred standby task distribution property it does not
> seem
> >> to be important.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 6. In the section about least preferred standby task distribution,
> >> you state that "and one [zone] will be reserved for active task". What
> do
> >> you mean by that? All Streams clients will participate in the task
> >> assignment of active tasks irrespective of their tags, right? The
> statement
> >> does also not really fit with the example where active stateful task
> 0_0 is
> >> on Node-1, does it?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> 7. Could you also say some words about how this KIP affects the
> >> current HighAvailabilityTaskAssignor?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>> Bruno
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On 09.02.21 15:54, Levani Kokhreidze wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Hello all,
> >>>>>>>> I’ve updated KIP-708 [1] to reflect the latest discussion
> outcomes.
> >>>>>>>> I’m looking forward to your feedback.
> >>>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>> Levani
> >>>>>>>> [1] -
> >>
> >>>>>>>>> On 2. Feb 2021, at 22:03, Levani Kokhreidze <
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Hi John.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for this detailed analysis!
> >>>>>>>>> Yes, that is what I had in mind as well.
> >>>>>>>>> I also like that idea of having “task.assignment.awareness”
> >> configuration
> >>>>>>>>> to tell which instance tags can be used for rack awareness.
> >>>>>>>>> I may borrow it for this KIP if you don’t mind :)
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Thanks again John for this discussion, it’s really valuable.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> I’ll update the proposal and share it once again in this
> >> discussion thread.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>>> Levani
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On 2. Feb 2021, at 18:47, John Roesler <
> >> <> < <mailto:
> >>>> < <mailto:
> >>> < <mailto:
> >> <>>>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi Levani,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 1. Thanks for the details.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I figured it must be something like this two-dimensional
> >> definition of "rack".
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> It does seem like, if we make the config take a list of tags, we
> >> can define
> >>>>>>>>>> the semantics to be that the system will make a best effort to
> >> distribute
> >>>>>>>>>> the standbys over each rack dimension.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> In your example, there are two clusters and three AZs. The
> example
> >>>>>>>>>> configs would be:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Node 1:
> >>>>>>>>>> instance.tag.cluster: K8s_Cluster1
> >>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1a
> >>>>>>>>>> task.assignment.awareness: cluster,zone
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Node 2:
> >>>>>>>>>> instance.tag.cluster: K8s_Cluster1
> >>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1b
> >>>>>>>>>> task.assignment.awareness: cluster,zone
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Node 3:
> >>>>>>>>>> instance.tag.cluster: K8s_Cluster1
> >>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1c
> >>>>>>>>>> task.assignment.awareness: cluster,zone
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Node 4:
> >>>>>>>>>> instance.tag.cluster: K8s_Cluster2
> >>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1a
> >>>>>>>>>> task.assignment.awareness: cluster,zone
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Node 5:
> >>>>>>>>>> instance.tag.cluster: K8s_Cluster2
> >>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1b
> >>>>>>>>>> task.assignment.awareness: cluster,zone
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Node 6:
> >>>>>>>>>> instance.tag.cluster: K8s_Cluster2
> >>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1c
> >>>>>>>>>> task.assignment.awareness: cluster,zone
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Now, if we have a task 0_0 with an active and two replicas,
> >>>>>>>>>> there are three total copies of the task to distribute over:
> >>>>>>>>>> * 6 instances
> >>>>>>>>>> * 2 clusters
> >>>>>>>>>> * 3 zones
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> There is a constraint that we _cannot_ assign two copies of a
> task
> >>>>>>>>>> to a single instance, but it seems like the default rack
> awareness
> >>>>>>>>>> would permit us to assign two copies of a task to a rack, if
> (and
> >> only
> >>>>>>>>>> if) the number of copies is greater than the number of racks.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> So, the assignment we would get is like this:
> >>>>>>>>>> * assigned to three different instances
> >>>>>>>>>> * one copy in each of zone a, b, and c
> >>>>>>>>>> * two copies in one cluster and one in the other cluster
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> For example, we might have 0_0 assigned to:
> >>>>>>>>>> * Node 1 (cluster 1, zone a)
> >>>>>>>>>> * Node 5 (cluster 2, zone b)
> >>>>>>>>>> * Node 3 (cluster 1, zone c)
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Is that what you were also thinking?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>> -John
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021, at 02:24, Levani Kokhreidze wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Hi John,
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> 1. Main reason was that it seemed easier change compared to
> >> having
> >>>>>>>>>>> multiple tags assigned to each host.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> ---
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Answering your question what use-case I have in mind:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Lets say we have two Kubernetes clusters running the same Kafka
> >> Streams
> >>>>>>>>>>> application.
> >>>>>>>>>>> And each Kubernetes cluster is spanned across multiple AZ.
> >>>>>>>>>>> So the setup overall looks something like this:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> K8s_Cluster1 [eu-central-1a, eu-central-1b, eu-central-1c]
> >>>>>>>>>>> K8s_Cluster2 [eu-central-1a, eu-central-1b, eu-central-1c]
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Now, if Kafka Streams application is launched in K8s_Clister1:
> >>>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1a,
> >>>>>>>>>>> ideally I would want standby task to be created in the
> different
> >> K8s
> >>>>>>>>>>> cluster and region.
> >>>>>>>>>>> So in this example it can be K8s_Cluster2: [eu-central-1b,
> >>>>>>>>>>> eu-central-1c]
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> But giving it a bit more thought, this can be implemented if we
> >> change
> >>>>>>>>>>> semantics of “tags” a bit.
> >>>>>>>>>>> So instead of doing full match with tags, we can do iterative
> >> matching
> >>>>>>>>>>> and it should work.
> >>>>>>>>>>> (If this is what you had in mind, apologies for the
> >> misunderstanding).
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> If we consider the same example as mentioned above, for the
> >> active task
> >>>>>>>>>>> we would
> >>>>>>>>>>> have following tags: [K8s_Cluster1, eu-central-1a]. In order to
> >>>>>>>>>>> distribute standby task
> >>>>>>>>>>> in the different K8s cluster, plus in the different AWS region,
> >> standby
> >>>>>>>>>>> task assignment
> >>>>>>>>>>> algorithm can compare each tag by index. So steps would be
> >> something
> >>>>>>>>>>> like:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> // this will result in selecting client in the different K8s
> >> cluster
> >>>>>>>>>>> 1. clientsInDifferentCluster = (tagsOfActiveTask[0] !=
> >> allClientTags[0])
> >>>>>>>>>>> // this will result in selecting the client in different AWS
> >> region
> >>>>>>>>>>> 2. selectedClientForStandbyTask = (tagsOfActiveTask[1] !=
> >>>>>>>>>>> clientsInDifferentCluster[1] )
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> WDYT?
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> If you agree with the use-case I’ve mentioned, the pluggable
> >> assignor
> >>>>>>>>>>> can be differed to another KIP, yes.
> >>>>>>>>>>> As it won’t be required for this KIP and use-cases I had in
> mind
> >> to
> >>>>>>>>>>> work.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>>>>> Levani
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> On 2. Feb 2021, at 07:55, John Roesler <
> >> <> < <mailto:
> >>>> < <mailto:
> >>> < <mailto:
> >> <>>>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Levani,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the reply.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Interesting; why did you change your mind?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> I have a gut feeling that we can achieve pretty much any rack
> >> awareness need that people have by using purely config, which is
> obviously
> >> much easier to use. But if you had a case in mind where this wouldn’t
> work,
> >> it would be good to know.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> In fact, if that is true, then perhaps you could just defer
> the
> >> whole idea of a pluggable interface (point 2) to a separate KIP. I do
> think
> >> a pluggable assignor would be extremely valuable, but it might be nice
> to
> >> cut the scope of KIP-708 if just a config will suffice.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> What do you think?
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> John
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 1, 2021, at 06:07, Levani Kokhreidze wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi John,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for thorough feedback, it’s really valuable.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Agree with this. Had the same idea initially.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> We can set some upper limit in terms of what’s
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the max number of tags users can set to make
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> sure it’s not overused. By default, we can create
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> standby tasks where tags are different from active task (full
> >> match).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> This should mimic default rack awareness behaviour.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. I like the idea and I’d be happy to work on
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> refactoring TaskAssignor to accommodate rack awareness
> >> use-case.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> When I was going through the code, it felt way more natural
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to use pluggable TaskAssignor for achieving rack awareness
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of introducing new interface and contract.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> But I thought approach mentioned in the KIP is simpler so
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> decided to move forward with it as an initial proposal :).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> But I agree with you, it will be much better if we can have
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> TaskAssignor as pluggable interface users can use.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> One potential challenge I see with this is that, if we just
> let
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> users implement TaskAssignor in its current form, we will be
> >> forcing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> users to implement functionality for active task assignment,
> >> as well as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> standby task assignment. This feels like not very clear
> >> contract,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> because with
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> just TaskAssignor interface it’s not really clear they one
> >> needs to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> allocate
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> standby tasks as well. We can enforce it on some level with
> >> the return
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> object
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> You’ve mentioned TaskAssignor#assign has to return, but still
> >> feels
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> error prone.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> In addition, I suspect in most of the cases users would want
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to control standby task assignment and leave active task
> >> assignment as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> To make implementation of standby task assignment easier for
> >> users,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> what if
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> we decouple active and standby task assignment from the
> >> `TaskAssignor`?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Idea I have in mind is to split TaskAssignor into
> >> ActiveTaskAssignor
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and StandbyTaskAssignor
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and let users add their own implementation for them
> separately
> >> if they
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> like via config.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> If this approach sounds reasonable, I’ll work on updating KIP
> >> this week.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Levani
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 28. Jan 2021, at 19:20, John Roesler <
> >> <> < <mailto:
> >>>> < <mailto:
> >>> < <mailto:
> >> <>>>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>> <mailto:
> <> <mailto:
> >> <>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, Levani!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was reflecting more on your KIP last night.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> One thing I should mention is that I have previously used
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the rack awareness feature of Elasticsearch, and found it to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> be pretty intuitive and also capable of what we needed in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> our AWS clusters. As you look at related work, you might
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> take ES into consideration.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was also had some thoughts about your proposal.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. I'm wondering if we instead allow people to add arbitrary
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> tags to each host, and then have a configuration to specify
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> a combination of tags to use for rack awareness. This seems
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> easier to manage than for the use case you anticipate where
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> people would concatenate rackId = (clusterId + AZ), and then
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> have to parse the rackId back out to compute the assignment.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. About the proposed RackAwareStandbyTaskAssignor, I'm
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wondering if we can change the level of abstraction a little
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> bit and capture even more value here. One thing we wanted to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> do in KIP-441, but decided to cut from the scope, was to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> define a public TaskAssignor interface so that people can
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> plug in the whole task assignment algorithm.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> In fact, there is already an internal config and interface
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for this (`internal.task.assignor.class`:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> `org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.assignment.Tas
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> kAssignor`).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> We kept that interface and config internal because the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> current TaskAssignor interface has a number of flaws, but if
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> we correct those flaws, we can offer a nice public interface
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> that people can use to control the standby allocation, but
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> also active task allocation, based on the tags I suggested
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> in (1).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think we need too much work to refactor
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TaskAssignor, the main problems are that the assign method
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutates its input and that it doesn't expose the full
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> metadata from the cluster members. Therefore, if you like
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> this idea, we should propose to refactor TaskAssignor with:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> * input: an immutable description of the cluster, including
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> current lags of all stateful tasks and current stateless
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> task assignments, as well as metadata for each host.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> * output: an object describing the new assignment as well as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> a flag on whether to schedule a followup probing rebalance.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> An even more stretchy stretch goal would be to include
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> metadata of the brokers, which could be used to achieve
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> higher levels of rack awareness. For example, we could co-
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> locate tasks in the same "rack" (AZ) as the partition leader
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for their input or output topics, to minimize cross-AZ
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> traffic. I'm not sure to what extent clients can learn the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> relevant broker metadata, so this stretch might not be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> currently feasible, but as long as we design the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> TaskAssignor for extensibility, we can do something like
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> this in the future.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again for this proposal, I hope the above is more
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> inspiring than annoying :)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I really think your KIP is super high value in whatever form
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> you ultimately land on.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> John
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 2021-01-28 at 13:08 +0200, Levani Kokhreidze wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi John
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the feedback (and for the great work on KIP441
> :)
> >> ).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Makes sense, will add a section in the KIP explaining rack
> >> awarenesses on high level and how it’s implemented in the different
> >> distributed systems.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Levani
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 27. Jan 2021, at 16:07, John Roesler <
> >> <> <mailto:
> >> <>> <mailto:
> >> <> <mailto:
> >> <> <mailto:
> <>>>> <mailto:
> >> <> <mailto:
> <>> <mailto:
> >> <> <mailto:
> <>>> <mailto:
> >> <> <mailto:
> <>> <mailto:
> >> <> <mailto:
> <>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Levani,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for this KIP! I think this is really high value; it
> >> was something I was disappointed I didn’t get to do as part of KIP-441.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rack awareness is a feature provided by other distributed
> >> systems as well. I wonder if your KIP could devote a section to
> summarizing
> >> what rack awareness looks like in other distributed systems, to help us
> put
> >> this design in context.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> John
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2021, at 16:46, Levani Kokhreidze wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I’d like to start discussion on KIP-708 [1] that aims to
> >> introduce rack
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aware standby task distribution in Kafka Streams.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In addition to changes mentioned in the KIP, I’d like to
> >> get some ideas
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on additional change I have in mind.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assuming KIP moves forward, I was wondering if it makes
> >> sense to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configure Kafka Streams consumer instances with the rack
> >> ID passed with
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the new StreamsConfig#RACK_ID_CONFIG property.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In practice, that would mean that when “ <
> >>> < <>> < <
> >>> < <>>> <
> <
> >>> < <>> < <
> >> <>> < <> <
> <>>>>> < <> <
> >> <>> < <> <
> <>>> < <> <
> >> <>> < <> <
> <>>>> < <> <
> >> <>> < <> <
> <>>> < <> <
> >> <>> < <> <
> <>>>>>>” is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configured in Kafka Streams, it will automatically
> >> translate into
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ConsumerConfig#CLIENT_RACK_ID config for all the
> >> KafkaConsumer clients
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is used by Kafka Streams internally.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>
> >> <
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> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P.S
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have draft PR ready, if it helps the discussion moving
> >> forward, I can
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide the draft PR link in this thread.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Levani

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