Hi Luke,

I am afraid the ConsumerRebalanceListener will not work in this case since Boyuan assigns the partitions manually. The Java docs you linked state
If the consumer directly assigns partitions, those partitions will never 
be reassigned and this callback is not applicable.

Hi Boyuan,

The consumer has methods partitionsFor() and listTopics(). Probably there is a better way to get the information you want that I am not aware of.

On 07.01.21 05:09, Luke Chen wrote:
Hi Boyuan,
You can create a *ConsumerRebalanceListener* and do something you want when
*onPartitionsRevoked. *
Please check this java doc for more information:


On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 8:45 AM Boyuan Zhang <boyu...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi team,

I'm working on a long run application, which uses the Kafka Consumer API to
poll messages from a given topic and partition. I'm assigning the topic and
partition manually by using consumer.assign() API and polling messages by
using consumer.poll().

One common scenario for my application is that certain partitions could be
removed outside of my application and my application needs to know one
partition has been removed to stop processing that partition. My question
is that is there any way to get the removal information when I do
consumer.assign() or consumer.poll() or any APIs that I can use?

Thanks for your help!

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