Thanks Sophie for the feedback!

I agree with you on not logging a warning for a decision, we haven't taken and on logging a warning for possible data loss with automatic initialization. I would say this is a implementation detail that we can further discuss on the PR.

Regarding the parameter class, I followed the grammar here:

We've already used it for other KIPs and I thought we agreed to use it for new parameter classes.


I am in favor of not mentioning a possible future decision about dismissing automatic initialization in this KIP. I think, we should discuss and decide on the dismissal with a separate KIP.


On 10.12.20 20:48, Sophie Blee-Goldman wrote:
Hey John,

I think we should avoid logging a warning that implies we've committed
to changing a default unless we've absolutely committed to it, which it
sounds like we have not (fwiw I'm also on the fence, but leaning towards
leaving it automatic -- just think of how many people already forget to
create their source topics before startup and struggle with that). This is
probably part of a larger discussion on whether to default to OOTB-friendly
or production-ready settings, which should probably be considered
rather than on a case-by-case basis.

That said, I'm totally down with logging a warning that data loss is
when using automatic initialization, if that's what you meant.


Thanks for the KIP, it looks good in general but I'm wondering if we can
the InitParameters API a bit more aligned to the config/parameter classes
throughout Streams (eg Materialized).

For example something like

public class Initialized {

         public static withSetupInternalTopicsIfIncompleteEnabled();
         public static withSetupInternalTopicsIfIncompleteDisabled();
         // we also don't tend to have getters for these kind of classes,
but maybe we should start :)

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 9:33 AM John Roesler <> wrote:

Thanks, Bruno,

I think my feelings are the same as yours. It seems like
either call is just a matter of some forward looking
statement in the KIP and maybe a warning log if we're
leaning toward changing the default in the future.

I'm happy with whatever you prefer.

Thanks again,

On Thu, 2020-12-10 at 16:37 +0100, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
Hi John,

Thank you for the feedback!

I am undecided, because while manual init only makes Kafka Streams safer
regarding data loss, it makes first toy apps with Kafka Streams a little
bit more complicated. I am a bit more inclined to manual init only,


On 10.12.20 15:20, John Roesler wrote:
Hi Bruno,

Thanks for the KIP!

This seems like a nice data integrity improvement, and the KIP looks
good to me.

I’m wondering if we should plan to transition to manual init only in
the future. I.e. maybe we log a warning, then later on we switch the
default config to manual, and then ultimately drop the config completely.
What do you think?


On Thu, Dec 10, 2020, at 04:36, Bruno Cadonna wrote:

I'd like to start the discussion on KIP-698 that proposes an explicit
user initialization of broker-side state for Kafka Streams instead of
letting Kafka Streams setting up the broker-side state automatically
during rebalance. Such an explicit initialization avoids possible
loss issues due to automatic initialization.


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