Hi Loknath,

Thanks for your interest!

Fortunately, there are many open tickets to choose from,
ranging from easy to very difficult, and covering all kinds,
from bugs to new features.

Personally, I would suggest for you all to start with
smaller-scoped projects so that you can have a lower entry
cost as you become familiar with the code base, as well as
forming relationships with other contributors as they review
and merge your pull requests.

We use the labels "newbie" and "newbie++" to indicate
tickets that we think are pretty straightforward. (The "++"
means "advanced newbie").

In addition to selecting smaller-scoped work to begin with,
I'd suggest choosing tickets that were filed with a higher
"Priority" value, that have a lot of comments, and that were
filed more recently (and maybe have a lot of recent
comments). One initial hurdle you might face is getting
timely code reviews on your PRs. We all try to help foster
new contributors, but it can be a challenge to pay attention
to everything that's going on in such a busy project. The
spirit of my recommendation is to help you find high-value
tickets that other people will naturally be interested in
reviewing and merging.

Also, when you do send PRs, I'd suggest at-mentioning people
in the PR who have recently contributed to the same files,
to see if they are willing to review. You can also ask for
reviews on this mailing list. If some time passes and you
get no responses, please feel free to ask repeatedly. Often
everyone just assumes that someone else would take a look,
so if you keep asking, you'll get a review eventually. No
one will take offense.

Also, be sure to review the contributing guidelines to be
sure you're following the correct procedures, and always
feel free to ask clarifying questions on this mailing list.

I hope this advice helps!

On Thu, 2020-11-19 at 16:21 +0530, Loknath Priyatham Teja
Singamsetty wrote:
> Hi Kafka Team,
> We are a team of interested people from the Salesforce company and want to
> contribute to open source and want to pick up some JIRA's and start
> contributing back to the community. Could you please share the JIRA's which
> we can start working on.

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