Hi Kafka dev community, As we know, one major reason that Kafka is fast is because it is using sendfile() for zero copy, as what it described at https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#producerconfigs,
*This combination of pagecache and sendfile means that on a Kafka cluster where the consumers are mostly caught up you will see no read activity on the disks whatsoever as they will be serving data entirely from cache.* However, when I ran tracing on all my kafka brokers, I didn't get a single sendfile system call, why is this? Does it eventually translate to plain read/write syscalls? sudo ./syscount -p 126806 -d 30 Tracing syscalls, printing top 10... Ctrl+C to quit. [17:44:10] SYSCALL COUNT epoll_wait 108482 write 107165 epoll_ctl 95058 futex 86716 read 86388 pread 26910 fstat 9213 getrusage 120 close 27 open 21