Hi Jason. Thanks for the excellently-written KIP. Will the implementation be backported to prior Kafka versions? The reason I ask is because if it is not backported and similar functionality is not otherwise made available for older versions, then the only recourse (aside from deleting and recreating the topic as you pointed out) may be to upgrade to 2.7 (or whatever version ends up getting this functionality). Such an upgrade may not be desirable, especially if the number of intermediate versions is considerable. I understand the mantra of "never fall too many versions behind" but the reality of it is that it isn't always the case. Even if the version is relatively recent, an upgrade may still not be possible for some time, and a quicker resolution may be necessary.
Ron On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 2:33 PM Jason Gustafson <ja...@confluent.io> wrote: > Hi All, > > I've added a proposal to handle the problem of hanging transactions: > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-664%3A+Provide+tooling+to+detect+and+abort+hanging+transactions > . > In theory, this should never happen. In practice, we have hit one bug where > it was possible and there are few good options today to recover. Take a > look and let me know what you think. > > Thanks, > Jason >