Maciek Makowski updated KAFKA-1451:

h3. Symptoms

The broker does not become available, due to being stuck in an infinite loop 
while electing leader. This can be recognised by the following line being 
repeatedly written to server.log:

[2014-05-14 04:35:09,187] INFO I wrote this conflicted ephemeral node 
[{"version":1,"brokerid":1,"timestamp":"1400060079108"}] at /controller a while 
back in a different session, hence I will backoff for this node to be deleted 
by Zookeeper and retry (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)

h3. Steps to Reproduce

In a sinle kafka node, single zookeeper 3.4.6 (but will likely behave 
the same with the ZK version included in Kafka distribution) node setup:

# start both zookeeper and kafka (in any order)
# stop zookeeper
# stop kafka
# start kafka
# start zookeeper

h3. Likely Cause

{{ZookeeperLeaderElector}} subscribes to data changes on startup, and then 
triggers an election. if the deletion of ephemeral {{/controller}} node 
associated with previous zookeeper session of the broker happens after 
subscription to changes in new session, election will be invoked twice, once 
from {{startup}} and once from {{handleDataDeleted}}:

* {{startup}}: acquire {{controllerLock}}
* {{startup}}: subscribe to data changes
* zookeeper: delete {{/controller}} since the session that created it timed out
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: {{/controller}} was deleted
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: wait on {{controllerLock}}
* {{startup}}: elect -- writes {{/controller}}
* {{startup}}: release {{controllerLock}}
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: acquire {{controllerLock}}
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: elect -- attempts to write {{/controller}} and then 
gets into infinite loop as a result of conflict

{{createEphemeralPathExpectConflictHandleZKBug}} assumes that the existing 
znode was written from different session, which is not true in this case; it 
was written from the same session. That adds to the confusion.

h3. Suggested Fix

In {{ZookeeperLeaderElector.startup}} first run {{elect}} and then subscribe to 
data changes.

h3. Symptoms

The broker does not become available, due to being stuck in an infinite loop 
while electing leader. This can be recognised by the following line being 
repeatedly written to server.log:

[2014-05-14 04:35:09,187] INFO I wrote this conflicted ephemeral node 
[{"version":1,"brokerid":1,"timestamp":"1400060079108"}] at /controller a while 
back in a different session, hence I will backoff for this node to be deleted 
by Zookeeper and retry (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)

h3. Steps to Reproduce

In a sinle kafka node, single zookeeper 3.4.6 (but will likely behave 
the same with the ZK version included in Kafka distribution) node setup:

# start both zookeeper and kafka (in any order)
# stop zookeeper
# stop kafka
# start kafka
# start zookeeper

h3. Likely Cause

{{ZookeeperLeaderElector}} subscribes to data changes on startup, and then 
triggers an election. if the deletion of ephemeral {{/controller}} node 
associated with previous zookeeper session of the broker happens after 
subscription to changes in new session, election will be invoked twice, once 
from {{startup}} and once from {{handleDataDeleted}}:

* {{startup}}: acquire {{controllerLock}}
* {{startup}}: subscribe to data changes
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: {{/controller}} was deleted
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: wait on {{controllerLock}}
* {{startup}}: elect -- writes {{/controller}}
* {{startup}}: release {{controllerLock}}
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: acquire {{controllerLock}}
* {{handleDataDeleted}}: elect -- attempts to write {{/controller}} and then 
gets into infinite loop as a result of conflict

{{createEphemeralPathExpectConflictHandleZKBug}} assumes that the existing 
znode was written from different session, which is not true in this case; it 
was written from the same session. That adds to the confusion.

h3. Suggested Fix

In {{ZookeeperLeaderElector.startup}} first run {{elect}} and then subscribe to 
data changes.

> Broker stuck due to leader election race 
> -----------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-1451
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1451
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: core
>    Affects Versions:
>            Reporter: Maciek Makowski
>            Priority: Minor
> h3. Symptoms
> The broker does not become available, due to being stuck in an infinite loop 
> while electing leader. This can be recognised by the following line being 
> repeatedly written to server.log:
> {code}
> [2014-05-14 04:35:09,187] INFO I wrote this conflicted ephemeral node 
> [{"version":1,"brokerid":1,"timestamp":"1400060079108"}] at /controller a 
> while back in a different session, hence I will backoff for this node to be 
> deleted by Zookeeper and retry (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)
> {code}
> h3. Steps to Reproduce
> In a sinle kafka node, single zookeeper 3.4.6 (but will likely behave 
> the same with the ZK version included in Kafka distribution) node setup:
> # start both zookeeper and kafka (in any order)
> # stop zookeeper
> # stop kafka
> # start kafka
> # start zookeeper
> h3. Likely Cause
> {{ZookeeperLeaderElector}} subscribes to data changes on startup, and then 
> triggers an election. if the deletion of ephemeral {{/controller}} node 
> associated with previous zookeeper session of the broker happens after 
> subscription to changes in new session, election will be invoked twice, once 
> from {{startup}} and once from {{handleDataDeleted}}:
> * {{startup}}: acquire {{controllerLock}}
> * {{startup}}: subscribe to data changes
> * zookeeper: delete {{/controller}} since the session that created it timed 
> out
> * {{handleDataDeleted}}: {{/controller}} was deleted
> * {{handleDataDeleted}}: wait on {{controllerLock}}
> * {{startup}}: elect -- writes {{/controller}}
> * {{startup}}: release {{controllerLock}}
> * {{handleDataDeleted}}: acquire {{controllerLock}}
> * {{handleDataDeleted}}: elect -- attempts to write {{/controller}} and then 
> gets into infinite loop as a result of conflict
> {{createEphemeralPathExpectConflictHandleZKBug}} assumes that the existing 
> znode was written from different session, which is not true in this case; it 
> was written from the same session. That adds to the confusion.
> h3. Suggested Fix
> In {{ZookeeperLeaderElector.startup}} first run {{elect}} and then subscribe 
> to data changes.

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