Thanks for updating the KIP.

Couple of follow up comments:

1) For the mandatory grace period, we should use a static builder method
that take two parameters. This provides a better API as user cannot
forget to set the grace period. Throwing a runtime exception seems not
to be the best way to handle this case.

2) In Fig.2 you list 10 hopping windows. I believe it should actually be
more? There first hopping window would be [-6,-4[ and the last one would
be from [19,29[ -- hence, the cost saving are actually much higher.

3a) IQ: you are saying that the user need to compute the start time as

> windowSize+the time they're looking at

Should this be "targetTime - windowSize" instead?

3b) IQ: in you example you say "window size of 10 minutes" with an
incident at 9:15.

> they're looking for a window with the start time of 8:15.

The example does not seem to add up?

4) For "Processing Windows": you describe a three step approach: I just
want to point out, that step (1) is not necessary for each input record,
because timestamps are not guaranteed to be unique and thus a previous
record with the same key and timestamp might have create the windows

Nit: I am also not exactly sure what you mean by step (3) as you use the
word "send". I guess you mean "put"?

It seem there are actually more details in the sub-page:

> A new record for SlidingWindows will always create two new windows. If either 
> of those windows already exist in the windows store, their aggregation will 
> simply be updated to include the new record, but no duplicate window will be 
> added to the WindowStore.

However, the first and second sentence contradict each other a little
bit. I think the first sentence is not correct.


> For in-order records, the left window will always be empty.

This should be "right window" ?

5) "Emitting Results": it might be worth to point out, that a
second/future window of a new record is create with no records, and
thus, even if it's initialized it won't be emitted. Only if a
consecutive record falls into the window, the window would be updates
and the window result (for a window content of one record) would be sent

Again, the sub-page contains this details. Might still be worth to add
to the top level page, too.

Btw: this implementation actually raises an issue for IQ: those empty
windows would be returned. Thus I am wondering if we need to use two
stores internally? One store for actual windows and one store for empty
windows? If an empty window is updated, it's move to the other store?
For IQ, we only allow to query the non-empty-window store?

6) On the sub-page:

> The left window of in-order records and both windows for out-of-order records 
> need to be updated with the values of records that have already been 
> processed.

Why "both windows for out-of-order records"? IMHO, we don't know how
many existing windows needs to be updated when processing an
out-of-order record. Of course, an out-of-order record could not fall
into any existing window but create two new windows, too.

>  Because each record creates one new window that includes itself and one 
> window that does not

As state above, this does not seem to hold. I understand why you mean,
but it would be good to be exact.

Figure 2: You use the term "late" but you mean "out-of-order" I guess --
a record is _late_ if it's not processed any longer as the grace period
passed already.

Figure 2: "Late" should be out-or-order. The example text say a window
[16,26] should be created but the figure shows the green window as [15,20].

About the blue window: maybe add not that the blue window contains the
aggregate we need for the green window, _before_ the new record `a` is
added to the blue window.

7) I am not really happy to extend TimeWindows and I think the argument
about JoinWindows is not the best (IMHO, JoinWindows do it already wrong
and we just repeat the same mistake). However, it seems our window
hierarchy is "broken" already and it might be out of scope for this KIP
to fix it. Hence, I am ok that we bite the bullet for now and clean it
up later.


On 7/20/20 5:18 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Hi Leah,
> Thanks for the updated KIP. I agree that extending SlidingWindows from
> Windows is fine for the sake of not introducing more public APIs (and their
> internal xxxImpl classes), and its cons is small enough to tolerate to me.
> Guozhang
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 1:49 PM Leah Thomas <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thanks for the feedback on the KIP. I've updated the KIP page
>> <
>> to address these points and have created a child page
>> <
>> to go more in depth on certain implementation details.
>> *Grace Period:*
>> I think Sophie raises a good point that the default grace period of 24
>> hours is often too long and was chosen when retention time and grace period
>> were the same. For SlidingWindows, I propose we make the grace period
>> mandatory. To keep formatting consistent with other types of windows, grace
>> period won't be an additional parameter in the #of method, but will still
>> look like it does in other use cases:
>> .windowedBy(SlidingWindows.of(twentySeconds).grace(fiftySeconds). If grace
>> period isn't properly initialized, an error will be thrown through the
>> process method.
>> *Storage Layer + Aggregation:*
>> SlidingWindows will use a WindowStore because computation can be done with
>> the information stored in a WindowStore (window timestamp and value). Using
>> the WindowStore also simplifies computation as SlidingWindows can leverage
>> existing processes. Because we are using a WindowStore, the aggregation
>> process will be similar to that of a hopping window. As records come in
>> their value is added to the aggregation that already exists, following the
>> same procedure as hopping windows. The aggregation difference between
>> SlidingWindows and HoppingWindows comes in creating new windows for a
>> SlidingWindow, where you need to find the existing records that belong to
>> the new window. This computation is similar to the aggregation in
>> SessionWindows and requires a scan to the WindowStore to find the window
>> with the aggregation needed, which will always be pre-computed. The scan
>> requires creating an iterator, but should have minimal performance effects
>> as this strategy is already implemented in SessionWindows. More details on
>> finding the aggregation that needs to be put in a new window can be found
>> on the implementation page
>> <
>> .
>> *Extending Windows<TimeWindow>, Windows<Window> or nothing*
>> Because SlidingWindows are still defined by a windowSize (whereas
>> SessionWindows are defined purely by data), I think it makes sense to
>> leverage the existing Window processes instead of creating a new store type
>> that would be very similar to the WindowStore. While it's true that the
>> #windowsFor method isn't necessary for SlidingWindows, JoinWindows also
>> extends Windows<Window> and throws an UnsupportedOperationException in the
>> #windowsFor method, which is what SlidingWindows can do. The difference
>> between extending Windows<TimeWindow> or Windows<Window> is minimal, as
>> both are ways to pass window parameters. Extending Windows<TimeWindow> will
>> give us more leverage in utilizing existing processes.
>> *Emit Strategy*
>> I would argue that emitting for every update is still the best way to go
>> for SlidingWindows because it mimics the other types of windows, and
>> suppression can be leveraged to limit what SlidingWindows emits. While some
>> users may only want to see the last value, others may want to see more, and
>> leaving the emit strategy to emit partial results allows both users to
>> access what they want.
>> *Additional Features*
>> Supporting sliding windows inherently, and shifting inefficient hopping
>> windows to sliding windows, is an interesting idea and could be built on
>> top of SlidingWindows when they are finished, but right now seems out of
>> scope for the needs of this KIP. Similarly, including a `subtraction`
>> feature could have performance improvements, but doesn't seem necessary for
>> the implementation of this KIP.
>> Let me know what you think of the updates,
>> Leah
>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 11:57 AM John Roesler <> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Thanks for the KIP, Leah!
>>> Regarding (1): I'd go farther actually. Making Windows an abstract
>>> class was a mistake from the beginning that led to us not being
>>> able to fix a very confusing situation for users around retention times,
>>> final results emitting, etc. Thus, I would not suggest extending
>>> TimeWindows for sure, but would also not suggest extending Windows.
>>> The very simplest thing to do is follow the example of SessionWindows,
>>> which is just a completely self-contained class. If we don't mess with
>>> class inheritance, we won't ever have any of the problems related to
>>> class inheritance. This is my preferred solution.
>>> Still, Sliding windows has a lot in common with TimeWindows and other
>>> fixed-size windows, namely that the windows are fixed in size. If we want
>>> to preserve the current two-part windowing API in which you can window
>>> by either "fixed" or "data driven" modes, I'd suggest we avoid increasing
>>> the blast radius of Windows by taking the opportunity to replace it with
>>> a proper interface and implement that interface instead.
>>> For example:
>>> Then, SlidingWindows would just implement FixedSizeWindowDefinition
>>> ======
>>> Regarding (2), it seems more straightforward as a user of Streams
>>> to just have one mental model. _All_ of our aggregation operations
>>> follow an eager emission model, in which we just emit an update whenever
>>> an update is available. We already provided Suppression to explicitly
>> apply
>>> different update semantics in the case it's required. Why should we
>> define
>>> a snowflake operation with completely different semantics from everything
>>> else? I.e., systems are generally easier to use when they follow a few
>>> simple, composable rules than when they have a lot of different, specific
>>> rules.
>>> ======
>>> New point: (4):
>>> It would be nice to include some examples of user code that would use the
>>> new API, which should include:
>>> 1. using the DSL with the sliding window definition
>>> 2. accessing the stored results of a sliding window aggregation via IQ
>>> 3. defining a custom processor to access sliding windows in a store
>>> It generally helps reviewers wrap their heads around the proposal, as
>> well
>>> as shaking out any design issues that would otherwise only come up during
>>> implementation/testing/review.
>>> Thanks again for the awesome proposal!
>>> -John
>>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2020, at 12:31, Guozhang Wang wrote:
>>>> Hello Leah,
>>>> Thanks for the nice written KIP. A few thoughts:
>>>> 1) I echo the other reviewer's comments regarding the typing: why
>>> extending
>>>> TimeWindow instead of just extending Window?
>>>> 2) I also feel that emitting policy for this type of windowing
>>> aggregation
>>>> may be different from the existing ones. Existing emitting policy is
>> very
>>>> simple: emit every time when window get updates, and emit every time on
>>>> out-of-ordering data within grace period, this is because for
>>> time-windows
>>>> the window close time is strictly depend on the window start time which
>>> is
>>>> fixed, while for session-windows although the window open/close time is
>>>> also data-dependent it is relatively infrequent compared to the
>>>> sliding-windows. For this KIP, since each new data would cause a
>>>> new sliding-window, the num. windows maintained logically could be much
>>>> larger and hence emitting on each update may be too aggressive.
>>>> 3) Although KIP itself should be focusing on user face interfaces, I'd
>>>> suggest we create a children page of KIP-450 discussing about its
>>>> implementations as well, since some of that may drive the interface
>>> design.
>>>> E.g. personally I think having a combiner interface in addition to
>>>> aggregator would be useful but that's based on my 2cents about the
>>>> implementation design (I once created a child page describing it:
>>>> ).
>>>> Guozhang
>>>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 5:31 AM Bruno Cadonna <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Leah,
>>>>> Thank you for the KIP!
>>>>> Here is my feedback:
>>>>> 1. The KIP would benefit from some code examples that show how to use
>>>>> sliding windows in aggregations.
>>>>> 2. The different sliding windows in Figure 1 and 2 are really hard to
>>>>> distinguish. Could you please try to make them graphically better
>>>>> distinguishable? You could try to draw the frames of consecutive
>>>>> windows shifted to each other.
>>>>> 3. I agree with Matthias, that extending Windows<TimeWindow> does not
>>>>> seem to be the best approach. What would be the result of
>>>>> windowsFor()?
>>>>> 4. In the section "Public Interfaces" you should remove
>> implementation
>>>>> details like private constructors and private fields.
>>>>> 5. Do we need a new store interface or can we use WindowStore? Some
>>>>> words about that would be informative.
>>>>> 6. @Matthias, if the subtrator is not strictly needed, I would skip
>> it
>>>>> for now and add it later.
>>>>> 7. I also agree that having a section that describes how to handle
>>>>> out-of-order records would be good to understand what is still
>> missing
>>>>> and what we can reuse.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Bruno
>>>>> On Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 9:16 PM Matthias J. Sax <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Leah,
>>>>>> thanks for your update. However, it does not completely answer my
>>>>> question.
>>>>>> In our current window implementations, we emit a window result
>> update
>>>>>> record (ie, early/partial result) for each input record. When an
>>>>>> out-of-order record arrives, we just update to corresponding old
>>> window
>>>>>> and emit another update.
>>>>>> It's unclear from the KIP if you propose the same emit strategy? --
>>> For
>>>>>> sliding windows it might be worth to consider to use a different
>> emit
>>>>>> strategy and only support emitting the final result only (ie, after
>>> the
>>>>>> grace period passed)?
>>>>>> Boyang, also raises a good point that relates to my point from
>> above
>>>>>> about pre-aggregations and storage layout. Our current time windows
>>> are
>>>>>> all pre-aggregated and stored in parallel. We can also lookup
>> windows
>>>>>> efficiently, as we can compute the windowed-key given the input
>>> record
>>>>>> key and timestamp based on the window definition.
>>>>>> However, for sliding windows, window boundaries are data dependent
>>> and
>>>>>> thus we cannot compute them upfront. Thus, how can we "find"
>> existing
>>>>>> window efficiently? Furthermore, out-of-order data would create new
>>>>>> windows in the past and we need to be able to handle this case.
>>>>>> Thus, to handle out-of-order data correctly, we need to store all
>> raw
>>>>>> input events. Additionally, we could also store pre-aggregated
>>> results
>>>>>> if we thinks it's benfitial. -- If we apply "emit only final
>> results"
>>>>>> strategy, storing pre-aggregated result would not be necessary
>>> though.
>>>>>> Btw: for sliding windows it might also be useful to consider
>> allowing
>>>>>> users to supply a `Subtractor` -- this subtractor could be applied
>> on
>>>>>> the current window result (in case we store it) if a record drops
>>> out of
>>>>>> the window. Of course, not all aggregation functions are
>> subtractable
>>>>>> and we can consider this as a follow up task, too, and not include
>> in
>>>>>> this KIP for now. Thoughts?
>>>>>> I was also thinking about the type hierarchy. I am not sure if
>>> extending
>>>>>> TimeWindow is the best approach? For TimeWindows, we can
>> pre-compute
>>>>>> window boundaries (cf `windowsFor()`) while for a sliding window
>> the
>>>>>> boundaries are data dependent. Session windows are also data
>>> dependent
>>>>>> and thus they don't inherit from TimeWindow (Maybe check out the
>> KIP
>>>>>> that added session windows? It could provides some good insights.)
>>> -- I
>>>>>> believe the same rational applies to sliding windows?
>>>>>> -Matthias
>>>>>> On 7/10/20 12:47 PM, Boyang Chen wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Leah and Sophie for the KIP.
>>>>>>> 1. I'm a bit surprised that we don't have an advance time. Could
>> we
>>>>>>> elaborate how the storage layer is structured?
>>>>>>> 2. IIUC, there will be extra cost in terms of fetching
>> aggregation
>>>>> results,
>>>>>>> since we couldn't pre-aggregate until the user asks for it. Would
>>> be
>>>>> good
>>>>>>> to also discuss it.
>>>>>>> 3. We haven't discussed the possibility of supporting sliding
>>> windows
>>>>>>> inherently. For a user who actually uses a hopping window,
>> Streams
>>>>> could
>>>>>>> detect such an inefficiency doing a window_size/advance_time
>> ratio
>>> to
>>>>> reach
>>>>>>> a conclusion on whether the write amplification is too high
>>> compared
>>>>> with
>>>>>>> some configured threshold. The benefit of doing so is that
>> existing
>>>>> Streams
>>>>>>> users don't need to change their code, learn a new API, but only
>> to
>>>>> upgrade
>>>>>>> Streams library to get benefits for their inefficient hopping
>>> window
>>>>>>> implementation. There might be some compatibility issues for
>> sure,
>>> but
>>>>>>> worth listing them out for trade-off.
>>>>>>> Boyang
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 12:40 PM Leah Thomas <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey Matthias,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for pointing that out. I added the following to the
>> Propose
>>>>> Changes
>>>>>>>> section of the KIP:
>>>>>>>> "Records that come out of order will be processed the same way
>> as
>>>>> in-order
>>>>>>>> records, as long as they fall within the grace period. Any new
>>> windows
>>>>>>>> created by the late record will still be created, and the
>> existing
>>>>> windows
>>>>>>>> that are changed by the late record will be updated. Any record
>>> that
>>>>> falls
>>>>>>>> outside of the grace period (either user defined or default)
>> will
>>> be
>>>>>>>> discarded. "
>>>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>>>> Leah
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 9:47 PM Matthias J. Sax <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Leah,
>>>>>>>>> thanks a lot for the KIP. Very well written.
>>>>>>>>> The KIP does not talk about the handling of out-of-order data
>>> though.
>>>>>>>>> How do you propose to address this?
>>>>>>>>> -Matthias
>>>>>>>>> On 7/8/20 5:33 PM, Leah Thomas wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to kick-off the discussion for KIP-450, adding
>> sliding
>>>>> window
>>>>>>>>>> aggregation support to Kafka Streams.
>>>>>>>>>> Let me know what you think,
>>>>>>>>>> Leah
>>>> --
>>>> -- Guozhang

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