I am going through the documentation and often times, it is either not clear or need to look at in multiple pleaces to see to which a prticular property belongs and is it a specific property to an entity etc ..
To give an example, consider *"min.insync.replicas"* - This is just for an example. From the apache documentation, it is mentioned under https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#brokerconfigs . From the confluent documentation it is mentioned under https://docs.confluent.io/current/installation/configuration/topic-configs.html . Later, I came to know that this property is available under both and follows inheritance based on where it is configured. This needed to look into multiple places to understand more about this property to see where it belongs etc .. But, is not there a documentation about where each property belongs, and will it be inherited or not etc. I do not think this answer need not be complex like looking into source code, it should be simple enough - perhaps I might be missing something. Also posted here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62369238/kafka-how-to-know-whether-it-is-broker-property-or-topic-property-or-producer