Hi All, I am working on a research work where I have to tweak a few things about how Kafka works.
Goal: Suppose I am to send messages to the broker. Let us consider that each alphabet is a single message that needs to be sent (A-Z). My goal is to be able to send the message in such a way that I can see a PUSH-ACK packet equivalent to each message sent (A-Z), i.e 26 PUSH-ACK packets in the network. For this, I tried the following configurations which I think are related to the goal I have. batch.size: 0 (to disable batching of the requests) linger.ms: 0 But this doesn't seem to work. The number of PUSH-ACK packets that can be seen on the network is dependent on the delay that is between each sends. If the delay is 0ms, then fewer PUSH-ACK packets would contain all the messages (A-Z). But if the delay between the sends is increased, then the number of PUSH-ACK to represent the messages (A-Z) would increase though the above configuration is unchanged. Thank you Bibek Shrestha