All good points regarding `Future<Void>` instead of
`Future<RecordMetadata>`, so +1 to that change.

A few more nits. The following sentences should be removed because they
actually describe a change from the current DLQ functionality that already
sets `` by default:

"In order to avoid error records being written out of order (for example,
due to retries), the developer should always use in their implementation for writing
error records. If the developer determines that order is not important and
they want extreme performance, they can always increase this number."

Another is a bit ambiguous, so I suggest changing:

"The error reporting functionality is designed to be asynchronous but can
be made synchronous if desired. By default, error reporting will be
asynchronous; processing of the subsequent errant record will not be
blocked by the successful processing of the prior errant record. However,
if the developer prefers synchronous functionality, they can block
processing of the next record with future.get()."


"The error reporting functionality is asynchronous. Tasks can use the
resulting future to wait for the record and exception to be written to

Can we please move the example to a new "Example Usage" section that is
*after* the "Interface" section? That way the order of the sections is
"Method", "Interface", and "Example Usage", and it's more clear how the API
is being changed. Also, the first sentence introducing the example is

"The usage will look like the following:"

but IMO it should actually say it's an example:

"The following is an example of how a sink task can use this error reporter
and support connectors being deployed in earlier versions of the Connect

It seems we have pretty good consensus, so I think the KIP is ready for a
vote after the above minor corrections are made.

Best regards,


On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 4:51 PM Arjun Satish <> wrote:

> Thanks for all the feedback, folks.
> re: having a callback as a parameter, I agree that at this point, it might
> not add much value to the proposal.
> re: synchronous vs asynchronous, is the motivation performance/higher
> throughput? Taking a step back, calling report(..) in the new interface
> does a couple of things:
> 1. at a fundamental level, it is a signal to the framework that a failure
> occurred when processing records, specifically due to the given record.
> 2. depending on whether errors.log and errors.deadletterqueue has been set,
> some messages are written to zero or more destinations.
> 3. depending on the value of errors.tolerance (none or all), the task is
> failed after reporters have completed.
> for kip-610, the asynchronous method has the advantage of working with the
> internal dead letter queue (which has been transparent to the developer so
> far). but, how does async method help if the DLQ is not enabled? in this
> case RecordMetadata is not very useful, AFAICT? also, if we add more error
> reporters in the future (say, for example, a new reporter in a future that
> writes to a RDBMS), would the async version return success on all or
> nothing, and what about partial successes?
> overall, if we really need async behavior, I'd prefer to just use
> Future<Void>. but if we can keep it simple, then let's go with a
> synchronous function with the parameters Randall proposed above (with
> return type as void, and if any of the reporters fail, the task is failed
> if error.tolerance is none, and kept alive if tolerance is all), and maybe
> add asynchronous methods in a future KIP?
> Best,

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