Hey Matthias, thanks for calling this out in the community.

Maybe one way to do this is to encourage everyone who read this thread to
browse over "tickets created by me" and see if some of those are already
fixed / not an issue any more :)



On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 9:02 PM Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> today, KAFKA-10000 was created, marking quite a milestone for the
> project. This milestone made me look into our backlog and there are many
> old and outdated tickets. The oldest ticket I found was KAFKA-10 (closed
> it already)...
> Cleaning up the backlog is quite tedious, and I took the liberty to go
> over Kafka Streams related tickets and close many of them.
> However, to really cleanup the backlog, I would like to call for help.
> No single person has enough context to know which tickets are still
> valid and which are outdated. It would be great if some people (I guess
> especially committer :D) would spent some time to go over the backlog
> and close tickets.
> Thanks a lot!
> -Matthias

-- Guozhang

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