
Levani Kokhreidze reopened KAFKA-9859:

> kafka-streams-application-reset tool doesn't take into account topics 
> generated by KTable foreign key join operation
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-9859
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9859
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: streams, tools
>            Reporter: Levani Kokhreidze
>            Priority: Major
> Steps to reproduce:
>  * Create Kafka Streams application which uses foreign key join operation
>  * Stop Kafka streams application
>  * Perform `kafka-topics-list` and verify that foreign key operation internal 
> topics are generated
>  * Use `kafka-streams-application-reset` to perform the cleanup of your kafka 
> streams application: `kafka-streams-application-reset --application-id 
> <your_app_id> --input-topics <your_input_topic> --bootstrap-servers 
> <your_bootstrap_server> --to-datetime 2019-04-13T00:00:00.000`
>  * Perform `kafka-topics-list` again, you'll see that topics generated by the 
> foreign key operation are still there.
> `kafka-streams-application-reset` uses `-subscription-registration-topic` and 
> `-subscription-response-topic` suffixes to match topics generated by the 
> foreign key operation. While in reality, internal topics are generated in 
> this format:
> {code:java}
> number>-topic 
> <application id>-KTABLE-FK-JOIN-SUBSCRIPTION-RESPONSE-<running number>-topic
> {code}

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