Hi All, 
There is a KIP which might be of interest to you: 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=120736982 - it 
sounds like you want to blacklist brokers in DC3? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael K. Edwards <m.k.edwa...@gmail.com>
To: dev@kafka.apache.org
Sent: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 20:50
Subject: Re: Preferred Partition Leaders

I have clients with a similar need relating to disaster recovery.  (Three
replicas per partition within a data center / AWS AZ/region, fourth replica
elsewhere, ineligible to become the partition leader without manual

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 12:31 PM Łukasz Antoniak <lukasz.anton...@gmail.com>

> Hi Everyone,
> Recently I came across Kafka setup where two data centers are close to each
> other, but the company could not find a suitable place for the third one.
> As a result third DC is little further, lower network throughput, but still
> within range of decent network latency, qualifying for stretch cluster. Let
> us assume that client applications are being deployed only on two "primary"
> DCs. My idea was to minimize network traffic between DC3 and other data
> centers (ideally only to replication).
> For Kafka consumer, we can configure rack-awareness, so that consumers will
> read data from closest replica (replica.selector.class).
> Kafka producers have to send data to partition leaders. There is no way to
> tell that we prefer replica leaders to be running in DC1 and DC2. Kafka
> will also try to evenly balance leaders across brokers
> (auto.leader.rebalance.enable).
> Does it sound like a good feature to make the choice of partition leaders
> pluggable? Basically, users would be given list of topic-partitions with
> ISRs and rack they are running, and could reshuffle them according to
> custom logic.
> Comments appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Lukasz

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