Hi Dev, At my company we run Kafka version in production. I noticed a strange behavior around stale consumers and wanted some help. So there are some consumer group ids which are no longer being used, but kafka seems to think that the group is rebalancing.
root@kafka32:/opt/kafka/bin# ./kafka-consumer-groups.sh --describe --group consumer-abcd-defg-ads-9ffbcd955-8fdwn --bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 Consumer group `consumer-abcd-defg-ads-9ffbcd955-8fdwn` is rebalancing. I see a message like the above. Since the kafka version I am on stores consumer groups in _consumer_offsets (and not in ZK) I am not able to delete these stale consumer groups. 1) Is this something I should be worried about? We might have ephemeral consumer groups in our system and there could be stale consumer groups. I'm worried that this might cause _consumer_offsets to blow up somehow? I saw some bugs reported about this online https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/1622, so Im not sure if this actually an issue or just a problem with ./kafka-consumer-groups.sh. 2) Is there a way I can cleanup these consumer groups? Any help is appreciated! Regards, Suraj