Hi Qarl, ideally you'd run Kafka on a linux host. If all you have is a Windows machine then Docker might be an option, Confluent has images available that you could use. Alternatively some form of virtual machine running linux would work as well.
Best regards, Sönke Qarl <qarl.khale...@axel-logic.com> schrieb am Di., 7. Apr. 2020, 16:02: > Thank you so much for the response! > > If this is unresolved, could you suggest any alternative for me to make > this work? If that is possible. > > Any other solution is highly appreciated! Thank you. > > From: Sönke Liebau > Sent: Tuesday, 7 April, 2020 6:56 PM > To: dev > Subject: Re: Shutdown Broker Because Log Dirs Failed > > Hi Qarl, > > there probably (and sadly) is no good answer to your question. Windows is > not an officially supported platform to run Kafka on and there is a large > number of unresolved tickets in Jira on this topic. > Most notable is probably KAFKA-1194 [1]. > > I haven't closely followed this, I thought we were getting close to a > solution a little while ago, but the ticket is still unresolved .. maybe > someone else knows more on the current state than is documented in the > ticket? > > Best regards, > Sönke > > [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1194 > > On Tue, 7 Apr 2020 at 11:00, Qarl <qarl.khale...@axel-logic.com> wrote: > > > Hi, my name is Qarl. I am a newbie in software development, and I am > using > > Kafka in this software. I have been facing this issue for weeks now. I’m > > running Kafka on Windows platform. The issue is when I run the Kafka > > server, and the retention period has reached, it will clear the logs file > > but there is always problem, such as ‘The process cannot access the file > > because it is being used by another process.’ How do I solve this? I’m > > using Kafka in a way where if the Kafka server stops running, our > software > > will face a serious issue. > > > > > > Sent from Mail for Windows 10 > > > >