Hello, Kanupriya Recently, I’ve implemented a histogram metric [1] in Apache Ignite. My implementation can work on a stream load.
It just counts events that is fall into the predefined intervals(buckets). I think histogram can be useful to measure consumer lag or similar metrics. So, If the community is interested we can have the same approach in Kafka. [1] https://github.com/apache/ignite/blob/master/modules/core/src/main/java/org/apache/ignite/internal/processors/metric/impl/HistogramMetricImpl.java > 18 марта 2020 г., в 13:29, Kanupriya Batra <kaba...@adobe.com.INVALID> > написал(а): > > Hi, > > > > We are using kafka-connect framework in our use-case, and would also like to > track metrics for connectors/task. But currently Kafka Connect JMX metrics > are not supporting histogram types due to which we are not able to plot > percentiles on a lot of important metrics like : > kafka_connect_sink_task_metrics_put_batch_avg_time_ms, or > kafka_connect_sink_task_metrics_sink_record_read_rate. > I see there is a KIP Ticket > (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-196%3A+Add+metrics+to+Kafka+Connect+framework > > ) tracking the same, but it’s an old one from 2017 and there isn’t any > progress after that. > Could you let me know if there are plans to support percentile metrics soon, > if not, how can I achieve it from my end. > > > > > > > > > Thanks, > Kanupriya