
Manikumar resolved KAFKA-9685.
    Fix Version/s: 2.6.0
       Resolution: Fixed

Issue resolved by pull request 8261

> Solve Set concatenation perf issue in AclAuthorizer
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-9685
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9685
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: security
>    Affects Versions: 1.1.0
>            Reporter: Jiao Zhang
>            Priority: Minor
>             Fix For: 2.6.0
> In version 1.1, 
> [https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/71b1e19fc60b5e1f9bba33025737ec2b7fb1c2aa/core/src/main/scala/kafka/security/auth/SimpleAclAuthorizer.scala#L110]
>  the logic for checking acls is preparing a merged acl Set with
> {code:java}
> acls = getAcls(new Resource(resource.resourceType, 
> Resource.WildCardResource)) ++ getAcls(resource);{code}
> and then pass it as aclMatch's parameter.
>  We found scala's Set ++ operation is very slow for example in the case that 
> the Set on right hand of ++ has more than 100 entries.
>  And the bad performance of ++ is due to iterating every entry of the Set on 
> right hand of ++, in which the calculation of HashCode seems heavy.
>  The performance of 'authorize' is important as each request delivered to 
> broker goes through the logic, that's the reason we can't leave it as-is 
> although the change for this proposal seems trivial.
> Here is the approach. We propose to solve this issue by introducing a new 
> class 'AclSets' which takes multiple Sets as parameters and do 'find' against 
> them one by one.
> {code:java}
> class AclSets(sets: Set[Acl]*){
>   def find(p: Acl => Boolean): Option[Acl] = 
> sets.flatMap(_.find(p)).headOption       
>   def isEmpty: Boolean = !sets.exists(_.nonEmpty) 
> }
> {code}
> This approach avoid the Set ++ operation like following,
> {code:java}
> val acls = new AclSets(getAcls(new Resource(resource.resourceType, 
> Resource.WildCardResource)), getAcls(resource)){code}
> and thus outperforms a lot compared to old logic.
> The benchmark result(we did the test with kafka version 1.1) shows notable 
> difference under the condition:
>  1. set on left consists of 60 entries
>  2. set of right consists of 30 entries
>  3. search for absent entry (so that all entries are iterated)
> Benchmark Results is as following.
> Mode                                                     Cnt    Score         
> Error   Units
>  ScalaSetConcatination.Set thrpt          3   281.974  ± 140.029  ops/ms
>  ScalaSetConcatination.AclSets thrpt   3   887.426 ± 40.261    ops/ms
> As the upstream also use the similar ++ operation, 
> [https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/core/src/main/scala/kafka/security/authorizer/AclAuthorizer.scala#L360]
>  we think it's necessary to fix this issue.

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