Dear All, I would like to raise a feature request for ‘prefixless’ topic mirroring with MirrorMaker2 (see detailed description below).
As after quite a few tries I am not 100% sure, could you please confirm that by now the ‘prefixless’ mirroring is not supported and that my feature request is valid? I would then file it in JIRA. Best regards, Marcin Feature Request We would like to use MirrorMaker2 as a DRP solution for a simple setup with two sites working in active-passive configuration where all topics are always mirrored in one direction only and the downstream topics keep their original names, i.e., without being prefixed by MirrorMaker2. After a few rounds of 'trial and error' we came up with a customized replication policy which, although hacky, seems to fulfill our need; it is presented in stackoverflow here: and source code is available here: This solution is 'hacky' in that it violates specification for the topicSource and upstreamTopic methods as expressed in javadoc of the ReplicationPolicy interface. That makes us suspect that MirrorMaker2 has been never meant to work in such a configuration and that our solution may stop working with future releases of Kafka. We would like then to ask for making the possibility of 'prefixless' topic mirroring in a simplified two-cluster setup a standard feature of Kafka Mirror Maker 2.