
Konstantine Karantasis resolved KAFKA-9122.
    Resolution: Not A Bug

Closing, given that this was a configuration issue. 

> Externalizing DB password is not working
> ----------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-9122
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9122
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: KafkaConnect
>    Affects Versions: 2.2.1
>         Environment: CentOS 6.7
>            Reporter: Dwijadas
>            Priority: Trivial
>         Attachments: Screenshot_1.png
> Hi
> I am trying to externalizing user name and password for oracle DB using 
> {{FileConfigProvider}} provider.
> For that i have created a properties file that contains user name and 
> password.
> {{$ cat /home/kfk/data/ora_credentials.properties
> ora.username="apps"
> ora.password="Passw0rd!"}}
> Added the config providers as file and also the config.providers.file.class 
> as FileConfigProvider in the worker config:
> {{$ cat /home/kfk/etc/kafka/connect-distributed.properties
> ...
> ...
> config.providers=file
> config.providers.file.class=org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.FileConfigProvider
> ...
> ...}}
> Restarted the worker and submitted a task using REST with the following config
> {{"config": \{
>                "connector.class": 
> "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector",
>                "tasks.max": "1",
>              "connection.user": 
> "${file:/home/kfk/data/ora_credentials.properties:ora.username}",
>                "connection.password": 
> "${file:/home/kfk/data/ora_credentials.properties:ora.password}",
>                ...
>                ...
> }}}
> Submitting the above task resulting in the following error:
> {{{
>   "error_code": 400,
>   "message": "Connector configuration is invalid and contains the following 2 
> error(s):\nInvalid value java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid 
> username/password; logon denied\n for configuration Couldn't open connection 
> to jdbc:oracle:thin:@oebsr122.infodetics.com:1521:VIS\nInvalid value 
> java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied\n 
> for configuration Couldn't open connection to 
> jdbc:oracle:thin:@oebsr122.infodetics.com:1521:VIS\nYou can also find the 
> above list of errors at the endpoint `/\{connectorType}/config/validate`"
> }}}
> Assuming the above config does not replaces the user name and password at all 
> rather entire values for connection.user and connection.password are used to 
> connect to the DB resulting in ORA-01017: invalid username/password error.
> Is it a bug ?

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