Thanks, Navinder!

I took a look at the KIP.

We tend to use static factory methods instead of public constructors, and also 
builders for optional parameters.

Given that, I think it would be more typical to have a factory method:

and also builders for setting the optional parameters, like:
withPartitions(List<Integer> partitions)

I was also thinking this over today, and it really seems like there are two 
main cases for specifying partitions,
1. you know exactly what partition you want. In this case, you'll only pass in 
a single number.
2. you want to get a handle on all the stores for this instance (the current 
behavior). In this case, it's not clear how to use withPartitions to achieve 
the goal, unless you want to apply a-priori knowledge of the number of 
partitions in the store. We could consider an empty list, or a null, to 
indicate "all", but that seems a little complicated.

Thus, maybe it would actually be better to eschew withPartitions for now and 
instead just offer:
withPartition(int partition)

and the getters:
Integer getPartition() // would be null if unset or if "all partitions"
boolean getAllLocalPartitions() // true/false if "all partitions" requested

Sorry, I know I'm stirring the pot, but what do you think about this?

Oh, also, the KIP is missing the method signature for the new 
KafkaStreams#store overload.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2020, at 08:07, Navinder Brar wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have created a new 
> KIP: 
> Please take a look if you get a chance.
> ~Navinder

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