Hey Sang, thanks so much for driving this effort. I have just a couple of suggestions and questions: 1. In the Motivation part, would be better to phrase "user has to specify `--input-topic` in the stream reset to be able to reset offset to a specific position" as "user has to specify input topic name in the stream reset tool in order to purge its offsets"
2. Same in motivation, would be better to phrase "So we want to reset all related topics with one option." as "Adding a new option which could automatically detect all external topics and reset their corresponding offsets" 3. In "Public Interfaces" section, put StreamsResetter.java as the code block title, so that the `.class` and outside comments could be removed and phrase as "A new resetAllExternalTopicsOption will be added for user to cleanup all externally committed offsets" Also put the '--reset-all-external-topics' flag within the code block. 4. Depends on the final version of KIP, the "Proposed Change" section could be removed if one paragraph could explain the whole change in "Public Interfaces" section. 5. I will leave this an open ended question, but do you think whether it makes more sense to extend this new API by letting `--input-topic` flag taking in a regular expression, and only purge the offsets for those matching topics. I could think of for some really advanced users doing a join between a topic group A and topic group B, they may only want to cleanup A group by prefix and leave B group intact. By allowing regex, we are doing a superset of the work we proposed here. Please share some of your thoughts as a user's standpoint, thanks. Boyang On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 3:45 PM Sang wn Lee <ssangdd...@gmail.com> wrote: > this KIP, I would like to go forward with > the voting process. > > Jira Ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9042 > KIP : > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-560%3A+Auto+infer+external+topic+partitions+in+stream+reset+tool > > thankyou! >