Rohan Kulkarni created KAFKA-9270:

             Summary: KafkaStream crash on offset commit failure
                 Key: KAFKA-9270
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: streams
    Affects Versions: 2.0.1
            Reporter: Rohan Kulkarni

On our Production server we intermittently observe Kafka Streams get crashed 
with TimeoutException while committing offset. The only workaround seems to be 
restarting the application which is not a desirable solution for a production 


While have already implemented ProductionExceptionHandler which does not seems 
to address this.


Please provide a fix for this or a viable workaround.


Application side logs:

2019-11-17 08:28:48.055 +0000 
[AggregateJob-614fe688-c9a4-4dad-a881-71488030918b-StreamThread-1] [ERROR] - 
 - stream-thread 
[AggregateJob-614fe688-c9a4-4dad-a881-71488030918b-StreamThread-1] Failed to 
commit stream task 0_1 due to the following error:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timeout of 60000ms expired 
before successfully committing offsets 
\{AggregateJob-1=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=176729402, metadata=''}}


2019-11-17 08:29:00.891 +0000 
[AggregateJob-614fe688-c9a4-4dad-a881-71488030918b-StreamThread-1] [ERROR] -    
[:lambda$init$2:130] - Stream crashed!!! StreamsThread threadId: 
08:29:00.891 +0000 
[AggregateJob-614fe688-c9a4-4dad-a881-71488030918b-StreamThread-1] [ERROR] -    
[:lambda$init$2:130] - Stream crashed!!! StreamsThread threadId: 
MetadataState: GlobalMetadata: [] GlobalStores: [] My HostInfo: 
HostInfo\{host='unknown', port=-1} Cluster(id = null, nodes = [], partitions = 
[], controller = null) Active tasks: Running: Suspended: Restoring: New: 
Standby tasks: Running: Suspended: Restoring: New:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timeout of 60000ms expired 
before successfully committing offsets 
\{AggregateJob-0=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=189808059, metadata=''}}


Kafka broker logs:

[2019-11-17 13:53:22,774] WARN Client session timed out, have not heard from 
server in 6669ms for sessionid 0x10068e4a2944c2f 
[2019-11-17 13:53:22,809] INFO Client session timed out, have not heard from 
server in 6669ms for sessionid 0x10068e4a2944c2f, closing socket connection and 
attempting reconnect (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)




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