I think this kip will implement a task in sinkTask ? right? On Sat, Nov 2, 2019 at 1:06 AM Ryanne Dolan <ryannedo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey y'all, Ning Zhang and I would like to start the vote for the following > small KIP: > > > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-545%3A+support+automated+consumer+offset+sync+across+clusters+in+MM+2.0 > > This is an elegant way to automatically write consumer group offsets to > downstream clusters without breaking existing use cases. Currently, we rely > on external tooling based on RemoteClusterUtils and kafka-consumer-groups > command to write offsets. This KIP bakes this functionality into MM2 > itself, reducing the effort required to failover/failback workloads between > clusters. > > Thanks for the votes! > > Ryanne >