Michael Holler created KAFKA-9060: ------------------------------------- Summary: Publish BOMs for Kafka Key: KAFKA-9060 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9060 Project: Kafka Issue Type: Improvement Reporter: Michael Holler
Hey there! Love the project, but I would love it if there was a BOM file that is published for each version. If you're not familiar with a BOM, it stands for "Bill of Materials" it helps your Gradle (in my case, but it's originally a Maven thing) file look like this (using JDBI's implementation as an example): dependencies { implementation(platform("org.jdbi:jdbi3-bom:3.10.1")) implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-core") implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-kotlin") implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-kotlin-sqlobject") implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-jackson2") } Instead of this: val jdbiVersion by extra { "2.6.1" } dependencies { implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-core:$jdbiVersion") implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-kotlin:$jdbiVersion") implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-kotlin-sqlobject:$jdbiVersion") implementation("org.jdbi:jdbi3-jackson2:$jdbiVersion") } Notice how you just leave the versions off when you use a BOM. This can help reduce the number of dependency compatibility surprises one can encounter, especially if a transitive dependency brings in a newer version of one of the components (it'll be reduced to the BOM's version). Note also that you still have to list dependencies you want with a BOM, just not the versions. Here's a deeper dive into how a BOM works: https://howtodoinjava.com/maven/maven-bom-bill-of-materials-dependency/ The Maven help site also has a section on it (Ctrl+F for "BOM"): https://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-dependency-mechanism.html I think BOMs would be a great for the users of the Kafka project because there are lots of Kafka libraries (streams, connect-api, connect-json, etc) that require the same version as other Kafka dependencies to work correctly. BOMs were designed for exactly this use case. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.3.4#803005)