`groud.instance.id` is for static group membership.

What advantage to you imply by re-using it for (Cooperative)StickyAssignor?

>> As far as I understand this would make the behavior of those assignors more 
>> predictable.

Can you elaborate?

I am not aware of any re-use, and I personally believe, that config
parameters should have a single purpose and should not be overloaded.
Also note, if you set `group.instance.id` you opt-in to (ie, enable)
static group membership. Hence, if your intent it to use it for regular
re-balancing, that won't work.

What issue do you see with current (Cooperative)StickyAssignor that you
try to address?


On 10/7/19 3:13 AM, Georg Friedrich wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering whether it is planned to make use of the group.instance.id also 
> in the (Cooperative)StickyAssignor.
> As far as I understand this would make the behavior of those assignors more 
> predictable.
> Maybe you have some information on this or whether I should open a 
> Jira-Ticket for it.
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Georg Friedrich

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