
I am using Kafka Stream's RocksDB state stores in an application and the is a 
back ground job that sweeps the records in the store using range calls. During 
processing, we need to ensure that a record is not included in the next range 
call when that background jobs runs next time. I understand that exposed state 
store interface to the application is read only and the main reason is to 
ensure the only way to change records inside RocksDB is from the stream 
topology. However, there is no way to guarantee stream processing of the 
removal of the record occurs before that background job runs again.

Only way I can think of is to remove that record in RocksDB directly.

I would like to hear any suggestions about

  1.  If it's OK to remove records in RocksDB out side of the stream topology
  2.  Any other suggestions to address my goal

Thanks in advance for your valuable inputs.

ChienHsing Wu

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